News ID: 272765
Publish Date: 09 November 2010 - 10:34
By: Hasan Askari-rad
Martyr Rajaee was the minister of education. An old man came to his office and complained about the principal of the school, because he did not promote his son’s scores who had failed the final exam. He tried to make Mr. Rajaee to ask the principal to promote his son’s score, but he didn’t accept to do so. Suddenly the old man began to insult Mr. Rajaee by shouting at him. Mr. Rajaee kept quiet smiling, patient and watched him without any reaction. When the man saw no reaction, decided to leave the office. Some officials told Mr. Rajaee: “this man made a rude and impolite action. You should permit us to punish him.”?
Mr. Rajaee answered: “No, it is not necessary.”? When the man left, he smiled and said: “Brothers, now I feel that we are revolutionary and this man who shouted at me has to know that we are changed after revolution. Otherwise he would not come here to insult his Minister. He also knows that there are in which, if someone had said a single word against a minister, he would have been punched right in his mouth, is over.”?

Source: The book of "The symbol of Perfection"
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