News ID: 254698
Publish Date: 18 May 2010 - 05:33

Opinions of a Number of Western Thinkers about the Islamic Revolution of Iran

The recent fall of Iran’s Shah and start of revolution of Iran during the years 1977 and 1979 caused shocking surprise for the foreign witnesses including the American friends of Shah and journalists as well as the experts in the fields of political and social sciences. As a person expert in “Revolutions”?, I was shocked too. Every one followed fulfillment of the current events with interest and maybe surprise. And this research was unavoidable for me. More than any thing, it was because the revolution of Iran impressed on me by its different unusual aspects.
I was influenced by the Islamic Revolution
Ms Professor Ted Scotch Paul, the Professor of Columbia University:
The recent fall of Iran’s Shah and start of revolution of Iran during the years 1977 and 1979 caused shocking surprise for the foreign witnesses including the American friends of Shah and journalists as well as the experts in the fields of political and social sciences. As a person expert in “Revolutions”?, I was shocked too. Every one followed fulfillment of the current events with interest and maybe surprise. And this research was unavoidable for me. More than any thing, it was because the revolution of Iran impressed on me by its different unusual aspects.

Knowing Imam Khomeini Is Impossible without Knowing Islam
Professor Hamed Elgar, the British Muslim Author and Researcher gave an interview with “Hozour”? Publication ["Hozour" means "Presence"] in 1376 [1997-1998]. In this interview, Professor Hamed Elgar said: “Some aspects of character of Hazrat Imam Khomeini are not at all understandable for non -Muslim people. It is just like when we want to read and benefit from mystical works written by Imam Khomeini. To understand these works of Imam Khomeini, we should have the minimum elementary knowledge in this field. In the same way, if a person wants to become completely familiar with the character of Imam Khomeini, this person should have already understood Islam.
Why do we like Imam Khomeini? Why do we respect him? Why do we commemorate and honor the anniversary of demise of Imam Khomeini? It is because his character and his historical role were not limited to Iran and to a limited period of time; but Imam Khomeini was the example of all aspects of Islam. That is why Imam Khomeini is important for us. Therefore, the person who wants to know Imam Khomeini without Islam this person will definitely fail to know Imam Khomeini. That is why western analysts have not been successful in writing about Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution and presenting theories in this field. They will not be successful in the future either. To introduce Imam Khomeini and elaborate on his character, we should pay attention to these points and the fact that knowing Imam Khomeini is impossible without knowing Islam.

Opening Spiritual Field in Politics
Michel Foco, the famous French philosopher:
Quoted from the Article: “What Dream Do the Iranians Have?”? from “Nouvel Observator”?, Issue No 727, October 16th to 22nd, Pages 48 and 49; translated into Persian by Mr Ehsan Shariati for “Shariati Foundation”?
When the Iranian people speak about the Islamic Government and when they scream on streets while there is the threat of being shot by bullets, when they reject deals of parties and political men in the name of that and when they accept the risk and danger of a blood bath they may have another thing on their minds; some thing except the formulas which are from every where and no where. And they have another thing in their hearts. And I suppose they think of a reality close to them; because they are the actors of that.
The first issue is the movement that tries to give a permanent role to the traditional structures of the Islamic Society in the political life. The Islamic Government is the same thing that makes it possible to continue activities of thousands of political gatherings which had been formed in mosques and religious gatherings for resistance against the Shah Regime.
I have been told a story in this regard: “10 years ago, there was an earthquake in Ferdos City. The entire city should be reconstructed; but since most of the farmers did not agree with the presented plan, they accepted guidance of a clergyman and constructed their city a little far from the previous destroyed city. They collected money from all the people in the region. They decided on where to build the installations. They also designed the irrigation channels. These people established and organized few cooperatives too. They named their city “Eslamieh”?.”?
That earthquake had actually provided them the chance to change the traditional structures; not merely into a place for resistance but into a base for political establishment. Therefore, when it is spoken about “The Islamic Government”?, it is meant the concept that was referred in the above example.
They pay attention to another movement too. And it is in reverse with the first one. That is the same movement that makes it possible that spiritual field enters the political life. It means behaving in a way that the political life does not prevent spirituality - like always - but it paves grounds for spiritual growth and provides opportunities for spiritual improvements.
I was influenced by the action of opening spiritual field in politics.

An Honest Person in the Decade of Suspicion
Yeravenda Abrahamian:
Quoted from the Book “Iran between Two Revolutions”?, Page 655
In the decade that famous to having suspicious, weak, corrupt, pessimist and incompatible political men, Imam Khomeini entered the field of politics as an honest, fighter and improving. And the most important characteristic, I should refer to his character that was not corrupt by the power.
In the society in which political leaders had thousand faces and lobbied and could not be improved, Imam Khomeini - like the men of God - acted as if he did not seek the apparent power but he sought the spiritual power.

Growing Model of Human
Roje Garodi, the great French thinker:
Islamic Revolution of Iran has presented a new model of growth and development of human and society. And this model is conformed to the spiritual heritage of nations. And that is the reason of enmity of “West”? with this Islamic Revolution.
Ayatollah Khomeini gave meaning to the life of Iranian people.

No East, No West
Valentine Promakov, the outstanding thinker of Russia:
Ayatollah Khomeini changed the cultural meaning of “Obedience”? of the society. Imam Khomeini broke the wall of fear and led people towards the pure and clean spring of divine nature. The Islamic Revolution is also linked to the name of “Khomeini”? throughout the world; because it was him that has changed the revolution of Iranian people into a great global event. Like the prophets, only with his presence, he showed “Religion”?, “Politics”?, “Revolution”?, “God”? and “People”? and their unbreakable relationship with the thinker human. He reminded the meaning of his “Uprising”? and the “Uprising”? of the divine prophets. He revived the religious ideology and lit the light of belief. He created the greatest epic of self sacrifice in our age.
The famous motto of “No East, No West”? presented by him caused settlement of the Islamic Government and also independence for this government. And it happened far from the choice and power of super powers of the world.

A Revolution without “ISM”?
Dr Michel Johnson, Expert in International Relations:
Symbolically, the revolution of Iran is considered as the first victory of the Muslims on “West”? since the 16th century up to now. The important point is the fact that Islam was the leading element of this revolution. And none of the western schools of thoughts “ism”?s such as “Nationalism”?, “Capitalism”?, “Communism”? and “Socialism”? had role in leading this revolution.

Source: Quarterly Books of Shahed Andishe
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