News ID: 228177
Publish Date: 14 November 2009 - 13:18

The World Day of Qods: An Opportunity for the Union of the Islamic World

In order to deal with the importance of the Palestine issues, we have to have a cursory look at the Zionism phenomenon. In as much as Zionism is a western phenomenon that is it is the out come of the interaction and having long common life of the Jewish society and European culture, economy, politics and society; this is why it is a one hundred percent western phenomenon. . . . . Zionism thinks of itself as a political system and Theodor Hurtssel is thought of as the founder of the Zionistic school and it was founded in 1896. When we are talking on this we have to call words such as terrorism, racism, progression, autocracy, militarism, spying, and seduction the features of Zionism.
In order to deal with the importance of the Palestine issues, we have to have a cursory look at the Zionism phenomenon. In as much as Zionism is a western phenomenon that is it is the out come of the interaction and having long common life of the Jewish society and European culture, economy, politics and society; this is why it is a one hundred percent western phenomenon. . . . . Zionism thinks of itself as a political system and Theodor Hurtssel is thought of as the founder of the Zionistic school and it was founded in 1896. When we are talking on this we have to call words such as terrorism, racism, progression, autocracy, militarism, spying, and seduction the features of Zionism.

The Political goals of the Zionist School

The Political goal of the Zionist School was to dominate a land that was extending from Nile to Furat and the formation of a government based on tribal nationalism. In fact Zionism is a political movement with sharp racist thinking that is based on some preconceptions. It was formed in the latter 19th C and started its activities from England and then continued its activities in the United States of America. . . . . . It started its efforts in the beginning of the 20th C. to move the Zionists to Palestine, under the name of return, and changed its approach to a belligerent movement to settle the Jews and to establish Jewish areas in Palestine. The main and the basic role of these Jewish areas were to conduct military and terrorist operations; the settlement of the Jews was their second aim.

In a general look the factors that were made use of by the Zionists to establish Israeli government were:

A ) . . . . . the have made use of their agents among the political and economical resources in Europe and America.
B ) . . . . . having common goal between the Zionism and the European countries as well as the United States of America in fighting with the Nazism.
C) weakness, poverty and the scattered situation of the Palestine people and the Arab countries.
D. . . . . . The domination and influences of England and European countries as well as the United States of America among the Arab countries of the Middle East.
E ) the union and the unity of the cultural, political and economical situation of European countries as well as the United States of America.
F ) . . . . . The discrepancy of the Arab regimes' benefits with those of the mass people and the unity of this regimes with the European countries especially England.

Therefore we see that the relationship of Zionism with the policies of England and America is not the result of a superficial accordance and unity rather it is the result of the nature of Zionism as an outcome of the policy of these great countries.
Hurtssel as the founder of Zionism believed that Zionism is not a social and religious issue rather it is a tribal phenomenon; it as not able to solve the problem of the Jews unless it would become a world political issue. They started anti - Semitism in order to show it as a distressed group and to supply and draw the world social thought. There are numerous goals that Zionism wanted to achieve at: leading the world, omission or influencing the three great religions (Islam, Jews, Christianity) with an air of self – importance; these are some of the political goals of the Zionism . . . . .

In a general classification, Zionism is based on the following thoughts and ideas:
1. Sheer belief in militarism and growing up a Zionist generation based on this approach.
2. Sheer abnegation of the natural rights of the Palestinian.
3. Justifying whatever means and methods to fulfill the goals of the Zionism.
4. Emphasis on the law of the sheer superiority of the Zionists in a way that all the other humanity is located under them.
5. Saving the Zionist's land and cleansing it from the Muslims.

But the issue that has to be taken care of specially is the relationship of the America and Israel because the strategic support of the United States of America of the belligerent Israeli regime can be seen obviously in four stages:

First Stage: Supporting the Establishment of Israel and the continuation of its existence, its rapid identification in 1922 and supporting its zeal to development in 1967.

Second Stage: Compiling the methodology of the foreign policies of the United States of America round Israeli basis in the Middle East and standing against the factors that might be in the way of Israel.

Stage three: trying to impose peace with the aim of establishing an independent Palestinian government alongside Israel.

Stage Four: Vetoing all the verdicts against Israel.

In addition to all these Israel which is the child of Zionist thinking has some special weak points, the most important of which are:

1. Lack of Strategic depth (the width of the Zionist regime's country is less than 100 Km. )
2. The problem of population and religious discrepancy in which three major groups such as laics, religiously biased people and the radicals are in conflict.
3. Lack of harmony among the tribes ( Five million people from 102 countries are living in Israel with numerous nationalities. )
4. The rise of Intifada which has some consequences and influences over / on Israel such as economical problems and decreasing of terrorism which is one of the sources of income for Israel.

5. Reversal Immigration ( at the moment being not only people but also their capital are leaving Israel because Israel is not a safe place neither for life nor for investment .)

6. The growth of development of inclination towards Islam in the areas of Islamic studies and the surrounding issues.
7. The development of the hatred of Zionism; in the Durban session in South Africa in 2002 Zionism was equalized with racism.
Palestine and Intifada from the point of view of Iranians:
It is more than a century that the world thinking is facing with the Zionist phenomenon. They have always shouted the danger of Israel and the necessity of supporting Palestine. Ayat Allah Saied Abu – al – Ghasem Kashani, the leader of the Iranian people's fight, talked to the attendants in one of the great gatherings in Tehran in the beginning days of the formation of the Jewish government in May 1948 (Khordad 1327) and said to the people of Tehran:
The uprising of the Islamic world should each help economically and sympathize with the poor people of Palestine. All the Islamic countries of the world are our homeland and we have to defend and support them with our lives and with our properties.
With the entrance of Imam Khomeini ( R. T. A. ) in 1960s along with supporting the poor people of Palestine, the danger of Israel and Zionism for the Islamic world are discussed:
. . . . . As a religious duty that I have I am hereby announcing that the holy and Qoran are in danger. The independence of the country and its economy is going to be handed over to the Zionists.
Martyr Ostad Motahhari has said about the Palestine issues in his 1970 ( 1349 ) speech:
. . . . . If Prophet Mohammad (P. B. U. H.) was alive, what he would do, what he would think about? I swear by God that his holiness Prophet Mohammad (P. B. U. H.) is shivering in his tomb because of the Judaism . . . . . I swear by God that his holiness Prophet Mohammad (P. B. U. H.) is absolutely worried about the occupation of Palestine . . . . . If Hussein Ibne Ali was alive he would say: If you are mourning for me, if you are going to bit your chest with chains for me your anthem should be on Palestine. The victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran has led to the increase of the Anti – Semitism of the Muslims. This has radically changed the methodology of the Palestinian fights. Shah's regime was one of the powerful allies of the west and Israel in the Middle East. Iran was one of the major markets for the goods and productions of Israel. And on the hand Shah was helping this country by decreeing the order to supply Israel with oil. The Iranian oil in the complex of economics and industry of Israel was to become bullets and guns that were shot at the breasts of the Palestinians. And Iran was a place from which the intelligence services of Israel were busy spying on the Arab countries of the area. The divulgence of the hidden relations of Shah with Israel had in consequence formed Imam Khomeini's ( R. T. A. ) motivation for revolution:
. . . . . One of the most important facts that have set us against Shah was his helping Israel . . . . . .
Shah's deposition and the ruling of the Islamic regime in Iran was the first hit that endangered Zionists' zeal for illegal development; the imposing of the 8 year – war on Iran was to prevent the anthem " . . . . . . Today Iran, Tomorrow Palestine" from taking place. Imam Khomeini says in this regard:
. . . . . . What is very distressing in this regard is that the powerful countries especially the United States of America deceived Saddam and encouraged him to attack our country; this was just for the sake of making Iran busy with defending its territory in order to prevent it from attacking Israel. It was for the sake of giving opportunity to the belligerent Israel to fulfill its desire which is establishing the great Israel which extends from Nile to Furat. . . . . . .
Imam Khomeini's point of view in this regard is a strategic point of view; he used to propose very good methods to stand against Israel.
The necessity of making use of oil against America and Israel, the liberty of Palestine in the form of renovating the Islamic identity, the divulgence of the Israeli plots, the separation of the Jews from Zionists; the unity of the Islamic countries is the way of saving Palestine; making use of the opportunities and capabilities of the Islamic world and as a consequence naming the last Friday in Ramadan as the date of Palestine.
Imam Khomeini as the founder of the Islamic revolution of Iran has announced that the Qods day was the date of fighting with the oppressors on the part of the poor, the preliminary actions of forming the party of the poor, and the date of Prophet Mohammad (P. B. U. H). And this action had great achievements; some of its greatest achievements are:
1. The special point of view of the Islamic Revolution about the Islamic World: The traitors and the enemies of the Islamic Revolution tried to show it to be against the Islamic issues; not only they did not succeed but also with the announcement of the world date of Qods on the part of Imam Khomeini ( R. T. A. ) the Islamic world noted that the Islamic Revolution is very serious in supporting Palestine; they saw its perfection not only in words but also in action and in the anthems of the Iranian people: . . . . . Today Iran, Tomorrow Palestine.
2. The unity of the Islamic world: With no doubt the Qods date was one of the reasons for the unity of the Islamic world in supporting Palestine. . . . . . Palestine's issue which was once an Arab issue became an axis for the unity of the Islamic world. Comparing the manifestos and public statements issued by the held seminars and conferences shows this point very obviously.
3. Palestine Seeking World Issues: With the announcement of the world date of Qods the issue of Palestine has gone out of the boundaries of being an Islamic issue and it has become a world issue around which world attention revolves. This was so much so that in the gathering and conference of Durban, South Africa Zionism was equalized Apartheid; There happened a demonstration in which more than 500 thousand people participated and the London radio had no choice other than confessing that such a demonstration took place.
4. The formation of Intifada: Without doubt the Palestinian Intifada is the result of the Qods date. This revolution had two great and notable characteristics: it was both based on Islam and people. Intifada itself had so many great consequences:

1. The rise of union and togetherness among the world of Islam.
2. Universalizing sympathy with the people of Palestine and hating Israel: . . . . . suggesting getting Ariel Sharon (the prime minister of the Zionists) to the court to be condemned for as a war criminal is an example of this.
3. Extending the insecurity and lack of immunity in Israel and transferring the capital out of Israel.
4. The rise of immigration from Israel and the escape of the minds from that country to the other countries of the world.
5. The rise of common dissatisfaction among the people of Israel.
6. Creating hope among the people of Palestine for having a better future.
7. Affecting the decrease of arguments and disagreements among the fighting groups and forming a kind unity in fighting with Israel under the supervision of Intifada. It was after 40 years after occupying Palestine that the Palestinians stood as a unionism against the attacks of the Israelis. It should be said that Palestine and Intifada are facing challenges: the efforts of the world powers to fulfill the Road Plan in order to impose peace, the difference among the Muslim countries about how to help the Palestinians, the efforts of the united states of America to create a gap between Islamic countries over issues such as terrorism, peace which is one of the reasons for decreasing the supports of Palestine, the American's policy in the Middle East to support and help the official terrorism of the Israelis, but on the other side there are also some hopes and developments open to the Palestinians: the common hatred of Israel and world compassion and sympathy with the people of Palestine as well as the movements and uprisings.

Source: Fajr Website
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