News ID: 187691
Publish Date: 15 December 2008 - 09:02

Status of Self Sacrifice and Its Evidences in Islamic Texts

“Isar”? (Self sacrifice) as a word means giving and donating. Self sacrifice means preferring another person to oneself and choosing another person prior to oneself. Meaning of “Self Sacrifice”? as an “Expression”?: As an expression, self sacrifice means the extreme of donation and forgiveness. It means preferring another person to oneself. Self sacrifice means attaching priority to the need of other people despite needing a particular thing, and donating it to other people. In Islamic morality lessons, “Self Sacrifice”? has been defined as follows: “The highest degree of generosity is when a person needs something; but he/she donates it to another person. And this action is called “Self Sacrifice”?. It means devoting oneself for others.”?
The virtue of self sacrifice has been mentioned in an old story narrated about Hazrat Moses: “Hazrat Moses said to God: Oh God! Please show me some of spiritual degrees of Hazrat Mohammad and his people. God answered: Moses! You can not tolerate seeing those degrees; but I show one of the great positions of Hazrat Mohammad that caused that I made him superior to all my creatures. The narrator said that God opened the secret interior of skies for him. Hazrat Moses saw one of the positions of Hazrat Mohammad. Hazrat Moses was going to die due to the lights of that position and being so close to God. Hazrat Moses asked God: For what reason did you make him this much respected and great? God answered: Due to the morality that I created and I gave this morality to Hazrat Mohammad. And that morality is self sacrifice. Any of my creatures who has spent parts of his life for devotion and self sacrifice will come to me and I feel shy to reckon his actions and behaviors; then I place him in any part of the heaven that he likes.”?
Ghorban Celebration (Ghorban Celebration is the Islamic celebration on which Muslims from all around the world go on pilgrimage to Mecca and sacrifice a sheep in the way of God and as a remembrance of Hazrat Ebrahim) is the symbol of self sacrifice in Islam, the mystic religion of Islam. Ghorban Celebration is the appearance of self sacrifice; a self sacrifice that includes a wide range from sacrificing the sensuality and selfishness of oneself before God to monotheism and political aspects.
In this respect, Imam Khomeini said: “The father of monotheism, the person who broke the idols taught us and taught all human being that sacrificing before God has political aspects and social values rather than having monotheism and worshipping aspects. He taught us to devote our dearest fruit of our lives in the way of God and receive gifts. He taught us to devote ourselves and our dears and preserve the religion of God and divine justice. He taught to all human being that Mecca and Mena are places for sacrificing lovers. And here is the place of spreading monotheism and negating polytheism. And loving our lives and dears is also polytheism. He taught the children of Adam to fight in the way of God (Jihad) and announce devotion and self sacrifice from this place to the whole world. Tell the whole world that we should be eager in the way of truth (God) and fulfill justices of God and shorten hands of followers of polytheism in our era. And we should devote any thing, even Esmaeil who was sacrificed for God in order that truth becomes eternal.”?
The difference between self sacrifice and donation is the point that donation means becoming poor and becoming darvish (Mystic) and donation in religion means spending money in the way of God and spending money for the needy people. It includes “Khoms”? (One fifth of your money which should be spent for the needy people) and “Zakat”? (alms), etc. Donating one fifth of your money and properties and also giving alms to the needy is an essential duty in Islam; but there are some recommended duties too. These recommended duties are called “Mostahabbat”? in Islam. These recommended duties include charities and giving gifts to the needy people.
Considering the things that we mentioned about donation and self sacrifice, we find out the fact that donation differs from self sacrifice; because the person who donates money may not be in a hard situation. And he may not need that particular thing that he is donating.
But the person who sacrifices himself puts himself in trouble in order that others are in peace and welfare. Hence, it is obvious that “donation”? is not equal with “self sacrifice”?. And they differ in meaning completely.

Self Sacrifice about Properties

Self sacrifice about properties differs from donations and charities that people give. In this respect, I narrate a story about Imam Jafar Sadegh, the 6th imam of Shiite: “Aban ibn Taghlab asked Imam Sadegh about the right of believer among other believer. Imam Sadegh said: “If you share your properties with some one, it means that you did not consider him prior to you. It means that you considered him equal with you; but you consider him prior to you when you give him the half part that you have taken for yourself.”?

Self Sacrifice and Jihad

Self sacrifice and jihad (Fighting in the way of God) have bright and sometimes unique history in our religion. In this respect, we can mention self sacrifice of respected and high position prophet of Islam and his faithful companions, self sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hossein, self sacrifice of Hazrat Abolfazl in the movement of “Aashoura”? (Aashoura is the 10th day of Moharram, the Arabic month on which Imam Hossein and his faithful companions were martyred) as well as self sacrifice of champion nation of Iran during sacred defense. These are examples of self sacrifice and jihad.
God informs us about position of self sacrifice and jihad in Verse 95 of “Nesa”? Surah of Quran. “Self sacrifice and devotions that Muslims showed in wars in the first years of appearance of Islam all were rooted in their attention to the position of jihad. Those Muslims who fought in the War “Badr”? (The first formal war of Islam) were called “Badrioun”?. And this title given to these people is considered as one of the criteria of virtue. And it is rooted in the same mentioned attention.”?

Self sacrifice and martyrdom

Martyrdom is one of the glorious appearances of self sacrifice which has a high position in Islamic culture, Shiite in particular. Martyrdom has always paved grounds for growth and moral improvement of great men during the history of humanity. Martyrdom, this glorious death has been the old wish of true believers. And it is considered as the steps of spiritual insight in any sincere mystic.
Imam of believers, Hazrat Ali whose martyrdom influenced the whole world, described martyrdom as follows: “Being killed in the way of God is the best type of death. For my life’s sake, I swear that thousands of beats of sword is much easier for me than dying in bed while I am not worshipping God.”?

Self Sacrifice and Asceticism

This is self sacrifice that caused ascetic and devout person to reach to this high position. Self sacrifice of an ascetic person is thinkable; because it is based on sincerity. “Ascetic person lives quite simply and in extreme contentment and narrows life for himself in order that others live in happiness and welfare. He donates the needy people what ever he owns; because his painful heart becomes satisfied and happy when there is no needy person in the world. He enjoys much more to give food and cloths to people and provides them with happiness and welfare rather than he, himself eats food and wears nice clots and rests. He tolerates deprivation, hunger, suffering and pain for the reason that others live in blessings and in peace.”?

Self Sacrifice and Generosity

Generosity is one of the moral virtues that the self sacrificed person becomes eligible to achieve to this virtue. Professor Allameh Javadi Amoli describes “Karim”? (Generous) as follows: “Generous is an honorable and great soul that is free from any kind of badness and low moral qualities.”?
In this respect, Hazrat Imam Ali says: “A generous person devotes respect with giving his properties.”?
Self sacrifice and the spirit of indulgence and forgiveness is a way that any person, either man or woman can reach to generosity and greatness by going through this way; therefore, this way should be passed. When a person reaches to the border of generosity, then his/her prayers and worships change and find another smell and color. And this person becomes spiritually generous and with high moral characteristics.

Self Sacrifice and Respect

Self sacrificed people not only devote their lives and properties in the way of preserving their ideas and beliefs, but also they devote their personal respect in this way. This type of self sacrifice belongs to a particular type of people. And it is gained through a promise that self sacrificed person has made with himself and his God. Hazrat Ali has a “Hadith”? in this respect (Hadith is said to speeches of imams and the prophet, Hazrat Mohammad). Hazrat Ali says: “Forgiveness preserves respect.”?

Self Sacrifice and Nature

Nature teaches us. In Verses 32 to 35 of “Kahf”? Surah, we read the description of those gardens full of blessings. It is written in these verses as follows: “Those gardens committed no cruelty in giving their fruits to the world of humanity.”?
But as for the owner of the garden, God says: “And he entered his own garden while he was cruel to himself.”?
The world of creatures is the scene of self sacrifice and giving generously. The earth gives what it has to plants and animals in a self sacrificed way. And trees and plants give all that they have and all their fruits to human and other living creatures. This is the system of creature.
But human wants to have all the blessings for him. Human wants to take other’s rights and at the same time he wants to be the best creature of the world. Self sacrifice in Quran and words of innocent imams is mentioned as a Quranic principle. In addition to some famous verses which are said about self sacrifice, there are some other evidences of self sacrifice in different parts of Quran. There is a verse that says: “Despite they like and need their food, they give it to the needy people, orphans and captives.”? In these verses, God has not referred to self sacrifice directly; but serious attention has been paid to criteria that self sacrifice has. These criteria are namely the most lovely thing or food for giving to others.
In the Quranic self sacrifice, people have to choose one of the ways in front of them. Those who prefer the next world to the life on this world choose “The positive self sacrifice”? and those who prefer the life in this world to the next world select “The negative self sacrifice”?. Hence, self sacrifice is described in Quran in two types of positive and negative. Verse 9 of “Hashr”? Surah is the most famous surah regarding “The positive self sacrifice”?. This verse is famous as the “Verse of self sacrifice”?. God says in this verse: “And they choose (prefer) them (others) to themselves although they need it.”?
There are many opinions about the situation in which this verse was inspired to Hazrat Mohammad. A group of people believe that this verse was inspired due to the self sacrifice of “Ansar”? on “Mohajeran”? (Ansar were residents of Medina and Mohajeran were immigrants to that city. And the prophet, Hazrat Mohammad asked Ansar to share their properties with Mohajeran and act with them like their brothers and sisters).
Some other people believe that this verse is inspired about Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatemeh (Hazrat Fatemeh is the daughter of Hazrat Mohammad and the wife of Hazrat Ali). And some other people believe that this verse is inspired about “Ohod”? War. As for different commentaries about this verse, Allameh Tabatabayee says: “Apparently all these narrated subjects confirm conformity of this verse with an events and a story and this verse was not inspired only for a particular story.”?
It seems that the situation in which the Verse of Self Sacrifice had been inspired is related to Hazrat Ali. And it has been referred and discussed in different books. Verse 16 of “A’la”? Surah is about “Negative self sacrifice”?. It is said in this verse as follows: “You prefer the life in this world to the next world.”?
In “Negative self sacrifice”? preferring world is not blamed because of all ugliness, being mortal and the fact that this world does not lead men towards happiness; and the whole world is not ugliness and low moral qualities.
The same concept has been also stated in Verse 38 of “Naze’at”? Surah and Verse 107 of “Nahl”? Surah.
What is mentioned about self sacrifice in sources of Shiite “hadith”? is related to high humanitarian characteristics and superiorities that the self sacrificed person has compared to other people.
Imam Bagher (The fifth imam of Shiite) describes the self sacrificed person included in the three groups that enter the heaven of God. Hazrat Ali has mentioned numerous characteristics of self sacrifice and self sacrificed person in “Ghorar-ol Hekam”?. In this respect, we can refer to the following sentence: Hazrat Ali says: “Self sacrifice is the top point of doing good works.”?
“Devoting life and properties for preserving religion”? is one of the subjects which are discussed and focused in different speeches and lectures of imams and the prophet.
Hazrat Mohammad, the Prophet mentions self sacrifices as the psalms of piety and devoutness.
Imam Ali also advises people to devote their lives based on patience. Two types of self sacrifice has been referred in “Nahjol Balagheh”? as it is referred in two ways in Quran (Nahjol Balagheh is the book in which speeches, letters and lectures as well as advices of Hazrat Ali are collected). Two types of self sacrifice one of which is “Negative self sacrifice”? and the other one is “Positive self sacrifice”? are mentioned in Nahjol Balagheh.
Men who prefer this world to the next world do negative self sacrifice. And those who prefer the next world to this world do the positive self sacrifice. You can observe an example of “Negative self sacrifice”? in Lecture 110. And you can observe an example of “Positive self sacrifice”? in Letter 53 in Nahjol Balagheh.
Imam Sajjad apologizes to God in “Sahifeh Sajjadieh”? for the times if a needy person had asked him something and Imam Sajjad had not done self sacrifice about that needy person.
Self sacrifice is visible in the life of Hazrat Mohammad, the Prophet, innocent imams. And all good behaviors of prophets and innocent imams are gathered in the behavior of Hazrat Mohammad, the respected prophet of Islam. Hazrat Mohammad has been referred as “Example of goodness) in Quran. And he is called as the master of the universe among the mystic people.
The respected and honorable prophet of Islam had a mission mixed with self sacrifice, resistance, belief and certainty; because God is aware about the hidden belief and certainty in inside of all people.
In the life of Hazrat Mohammad, the self sacrifice of Hazrat Khadijeh, his faithful wife is of a special importance in the way of announcing and propagating Islam religion. Self sacrifice has been one of the most important objectives of innocent imams of Shiite. Innocent imams of Shiite are united light and the objectives of all of them are the same objective. The objectives of all of them are namely efforts, giving and self sacrifice for reviving the religion and keeping the lamp of religion on.
As the greatest self sacrificed person in the history, Imam Ali had progressed such that the famous Verse of Self Sacrifice had been inspired about his wife, Hazrat Fatemeh and him.
“Laylat-ol Mabit”? is one of the bright points of Hazrat Ali’s self sacrifice. Imam Hassan (The second imam of Shiite people) was the source of kindness, generosity, doing favors for others and gentleness. He always helped the needy people by self sacrifice in properties.
As for Imam Hossein (The third imam of Shiite people), the highest rank of self sacrifice is defined about him.
In this religion, self sacrifice is a holy way towards reaching to the beloved (God). Imam Mahdi (The 12th imam of Shiite people. Shiite people believe that Imam Mahdi is alive and will appear one day and will save people of the world) did not spare any efforts in helping to the needy people. It was self sacrifice in properties about him. His companions are self sacrificed people that their bright e had been predicated by previous imams.
In the Book “Kamaleddin va Tamam-ol ne’mat”?, “Sheykh Sadough”? has mentioned these self sacrificed people who have hearts firmer than iron pieces as good people.

Self Sacrifice of Respected Women of Islam

Hazrat Khadijeh was one of the unique rich persons in her era. She had earned a great wealth by making efforts in business and economic affairs. She donated all her wealth for fulfilling objectives of Islam. The wealth of Hazrat Khadijeh was very useful and important in the progress of Islam such that Hazrat Mohammad said: “No wealth was ever profitable for me as much as the wealth of Khadijeh was profitable for me.”?
Hazrat Fatemeh, the daughter of the prophet as the best person before God and the wife of the greatest self sacrificed person in the history has inherited this valuable gem.
Those who study the life of Hazrat Fatemeh, this great woman in Islam World, have not been yet able to write different aspects of self sacrifice in the glorious life of Hazrat Fatemeh which was full of love and self sacrifice.
As for examples of this self sacrifice, we can refer to her marriage night. She gave her new dress to a beggar at that night and donated her bracelet and the curtain of her house to the needy people.
The epic of Karbala (Karbala is the place in which Imam Hossein and his companions were martyred on Aashoura) shows self sacrifice of respected and great women and men who just answered positively to the request of Imam Hossein. Hazrat Zeynab (The sister of Imam Hossein and the daughter of Imam Ali) is a brave woman who led the caravan of love after martyrdom of Imam Hossein. The people of Koufeh City who knew self sacrifice and bravery of Hazrat Ali now saw his champion daughter who fulfilled her mission relying on such backing (Her father’s characteristics).
Due to self sacrifice of Hazrat Mohammad’s companions, the valuable culture of self sacrifice appeared in bright faces of Islam followers after the respected prophet of Islam. Hazrat Mohammad had a sentence about “Yaser”? and “Somayyeh”? which is as follows: “Oh you, Yaser’s family! Be patient and I promise you the heaven.”?
Hamzeh (The uncle of Hazrat Mohammad) was martyred in “Ohod”? War and his martyrdom made Hazrat Mohammad very sad. Jafar Tayyar, the brother of Rashid. One of the followers of Islam participated in “mouteh”? War and lost both his hands and joined the war wounded of Islam.
Hazrat Ali had donated all his life and properties for Islam.
During the time that Hazrat Ali caliph, “Ammar”? was in his army and fought with aggressive forces that had broken promises. He was finally martyred in the same battle field.
“Abouzar”?, the faithful companion of Hazrat Mohammad was the fourth or fifth person who accepted Islam. He sacrificed his life for preserving, announcing and propagating Islam. And he finally sacrificed his life in this way.
“Salman Farsi”? was another honest and faithful companion of Hazrat Mohammad. And Imam Sadegh (The 6th imam of Shiite) has spoken about braveries and self sacrifice of “Salman Farsi”? many times. Love and self sacrifice appears when faithful companions of Imam Hossein defended Islam and Imam Hossein and flew around their love, Imam Hossein. This characteristic can be found in all martyrs of Karbala. They preferred volunteer death to the disgraceful life.
Self sacrifice during the time of Islamic Revolution of Iran led by a mystic and self sacrificed person, Hazrat Imam Khomeini is one of the bright results of Imam Hossein’s movement.
This is self sacrifice that has cause Islamic Revolution of Iran to be superior to other revolutions in the world.
Self sacrifice along with sincerity is a holy method that causes many social results.
In this respect, Imam Khomeini says: “This is self sacrifice and sincerity that can not be evaluated even in the scale of invisible world.”?
In the view of Imam Khomeini, putting aside the curtain of selfishness and observing the beauty of God pave the way for self sacrifice along with sweetness for human.
Sacred defense of Muslim nation of Iran is one of the other bright points of self sacrifice in the contemporary era.
Establishing the great organization of “Basij”? was one of the blessings of sacred defense of Iranian nation (Basij was formed during sacred defense and its members were volunteer people to go to war and fight). “Basij”? injected the spirit of self sacrifice with its real meaning in the body of Islamic society.
Sacred defense opened a mystic ground for talented people such that great people such as Dr. Chamran and Martyr Fahmideh (Martyr Fahmideh was a 13 year old teenager who exploded a tank by going under it with a dynamite) appeared.
War wounded people and those who have been captive in Iraq prisons are true lovers in the contemporary era who have no claims. They devoted all their lives and their every thing for Islam. They are practical appearance of self sacrifice.
As for spiritual reward of being hurt in the way of God, the Prophet says: “Any one who is hurt in the way of God, he will be musk scented and his face will have the color of saffron on the Day of Judgment. And he will carry the sign on martyrdom on the Day of Judgment.
As for Isargar women (Women who participated in war directly or indirectly) during the imposed war, Imam Khomeini said: “Resistance and self sacrifice of these great women during the imposed war is wonderful such that pen and expression are unable and shy to explain this resistance and self sacrifice. I have seen scenes of mothers, sisters and wives who have lost their dears during the imposed war. And I do not think that these scenes have similar in other places except this Islamic Revolution.”?

Characteristics of Isargar (Self sacrificed person) in our Religious, Moral and Mystic Texts

The role that a self sacrificed person plays is a sincere and humble role and is completely different from other roles. The fist condition for playing this important role is to know characteristics that the self sacrificed person has. These characteristics are as follows:
1: Giving without expecting others to compensate: Isargar (Self sacrificed person) is a person that does not want any reward for the self sacrifice he has done. And the self sacrifice which lacks this characteristic is not self sacrifice.
2: Self sacrifice for velayat: The valuable gem which is preserved and kept by “Self sacrifice”? is “Velayat”? (Leader of the Muslim society). As for “Self sacrifice for velayat”?, Imam Bagher quoted Hazrat Ali as he had said: “Our Shiite people are those who donate loving us to each other.”?
3: Being reliable and having smiling face: It is said in speeches of imams that self sacrificed person is a person that others rely on him and he devotes his smiling face to others.
4: Self sacrifice for peace of others: self sacrificed person is a person that prefers others to himself and provides peace and comfort for others.
5: Self sacrifice of virtue: Self sacrificed person is a person that considers another person prior to him is he finds that person more pious than himself.
6: Self sacrifice and being indifferent with sadness and happiness of this world: The superior characteristic of self sacrificed person is devoting his properties, life and every thing while he is aware. He is patient about the problems and difficulties that are caused due to that self sacrifice. He does not become proud and happy if he is admired and approved by people in this way. And he does not become proud when every body behaves with him kindly because of his self sacrifice; because in the mystic view, this world is mortal and all its goodness and badness are mortal too.

Equipments of self sacrifice and self sacrificed person:
The equipments are that make self sacrifice different from other spiritual and moral goodness. These equipments mostly exist in a view with spiritual insight and enthusiasm. These equipments are as follows:
1: Sincerity: Sincerity is not only the most fundamental necessity of self sacrifice but also a self sacrifice lacking sincerity is not self sacrifice any more; hence, in a mystic look, every where that is spoken about self sacrifice they mean self sacrifice based on sincerity. Hazrat Imam Khomeini addressed combatants of Islam who created the most beautiful scenes of self sacrifice and sincerity. Imam Khomeini said: “You insured Islamic Republic of Iran with sincerity and self sacrifice.”?
2: Bravery: A brave man shows wonderful self sacrifice which is rooted in his firm belief and determination. As for famous characteristics of Isargaran of sacred defense (Self sacrificed combatants during sacred defense), we can refer to their bravery. And the whole world confesses this characteristic of sacred defense Isargaran. Another aspect of bravery in Islam is defeating selfishness and inner temptations. It is mentioned in speeches of imams and the prophet that: “The bravest person is the person that defeats his inner temptations.”?
Hence, bravery is a necessity for self sacrifice; the bravery that organizes the ground of spiritual power in a person.
3: Insight: Insight is one of the equipments that self sacrificed person uses to create the most beautiful scenes of humanity. “Baseerat”? (Insight”? is defined as follows: “Insight is a power that lights the heart with the holy light in order to observe truths of objects and invisible parts of them. And “Insight”? is considered as an “Eye”? by which the person sees the pictures of objects and their appearances.”?
4: Faithfulness: “Faith”? has been defined as follows: “As an expression, faith means fulfilling the duties that man has promised to do before his God.”? It is also defined as “Faith is to know the divine affair or eternal favor.”?

Obstacles of Self Sacrifice

Although a person who has such high position has already eliminated exterior and interior obstacles that has been able to step in this way and be successful in this way, but this is a relative issue and is different in different cultures. Obstacles of self sacrifice are categorized in two main parts:
1: Personal obstacles: The person who has not learned religious lessons and has not touched and understood the glory and greatness of self sacrifice in actions of his parents and the criteria in his family can not step in this way and be successful in self sacrifice.
2: Social obstacles: Cultural aggression is the greatest social obstacle for self sacrifice these days. Seeking for comfort is one of the aspects of cultural aggression. Seeking for comfort and a life of ease is the largest obstacle in the way of self sacrifice. And when officials of a society are more influenced by cultural aggression, this miserable phenomenon than ordinary people, the problems of that society increase considerably; because such action will provide a direct model for the young generation and teenagers of that society. And it continues such that the base of the society –it means religion- gets in danger.

Ways to Create Self Sacrifice:

1: Trusting in God: Beneficent God has talked about “Trusting in God”? in approximately 50 verses of Quran. And in all verses of Quran, God has invited Muslims to hope, certainty, self confidence and paying attention to God.
2: Contentment and simple life (Living simply): The prophet of Islam, Hazrat Mohammad says: “Good for the person who has been led to Islam and in his life, he has wealth as much as he needs and he is satisfied and happy with those limited things.”?
3: Memory of the Day of Judgment and Noticing Awards of Isargaran (Self sacrificed people): In Quran, the actions that human has carried out in past are visualized before the eyes of human with the cloth (Appearance) of the next world. And no doubt remains for human.
It is said in Quran: “The day that every human sees what ever he has done, either bad or good, present before him.
4: Noticing to benefits and results of self sacrifice: self sacrifice has different benefits and results. As for these benefits and results, we can refer to equality: The logic of Islam is that all people of the world are equal and all are the creatures of God that is single and is only one. And people have common rights and respect. No one, even the weakest member of the society should not be violated or dishonored and ignored. No one has the right to consider himself as a superior person and in a higher position compared to other people. If human made efforts to remove the problems of the needy people seriously, there would be no needy people in the society.

Social Responsibilities:
The view of Islam is that a Muslim person knows his duty to devote life and energy for others. A Muslim person puts himself in trouble for comfort of other people and knows self sacrifice as his duty. He tolerates deprivation, hunger, pain and suffering; because other people are not deprived, hungry or in pain and trouble.


According to the speech of Hazrat Ali, men of God and pious people make efforts to change the current situation in which the cruel people eat a lot and have a lot while the needy people are hungry. And this is the promise of God with wise people of the nation.

Noticing to Unsteadiness of the World and Mortality of Properties and Wealth in This World:

Wise person is the person that is not deceived by this world and does not fall in love with wealth and nice things in this world; but he has understood his objective of coming to this world. And he fulfills his duty and knows that any coming is followed by leaving.

Having No Fear of Poverty and Not Having Things:

Imam Ali says: “The person who does not use his life and properties in the way of God, God does not need such a person and will leave him.”?
Resistance is one of the best characteristics of human. Human should be patient and consider God’s satisfaction in fulfilling his duties and carrying out any activities in order that resistance is strengthened in him.

Studying Lives of Isargaran (Self Sacrificed People) and Considering Them as Models for our Lives:

Spirit of Quran and Islam is that self sacrificed men are risen in order to follow the method of prophets and renews the religion of God.
“Meysam”? was one of the people who were hurt in the way of religion. He was a sincere devoted person in the way of “Velayat”?, truth and justice. He sacrificed his life in the way of supporting the virtues that had appeared in Hazrat Ali.

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6: Esmaeel poor, Mohammad Mahdi, “Self Sacrifice and Mysticism”?, Navid-e Shiraz, The First Edition, 1385 (AH)
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24: Hosseini Alhamedani, Sayed Mohammad, “Bright Lights in Commentary on Quran”?, Tehran, without name, 1380 (AH), in 18 Volumes, the Fourth Volume
25: Mr Khamenei, Sayed Ali, “Mirror of Woman”?, “Subject based collection of speeches of the Supreme Leader), Ketaab-e Taha, the First Edition, 1381 (AH)
26: Imam Khomeini, Sayed Rouhollah, “Self Sacrifice and Martyrdom”?, Tehran, Institution of Compiling and Publishing Works of Imam Khomeini, the Second Edition, 1378 (AH)
27: “Saheefeh Nour”?, Tehran, Publication of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, (Organization of Cultural Documents of Islamic Revolution), Volumes 18, 19 and 20, 1368 (AH)
28: “Political and Divine Will”? (Wills of Imam Khoemini), Tehran, Barg Negar, the Third Edition, Without date
29: Danesh, Sayed Mohammad Kazem, “Face of Devoted People”?, Tehran, Jahan Ara Publication, without date, the First Volume
30: Dashti, Mohammad, (Encyclopedia of Speeches of Hazrat Fatemeh”?, Beynalmelal Publishing Company of Islamic Propagation Organization, the Second Edition, 1379 (AH)
31: Dehkhoda, Ali Akbar, “Dictionary”?, Tehran, Publishing Institution of Tehran University, the First Edition in the new series, 1372 (AH), the Third Volume
32: Ragheb Esfahani, Mohammad ibn Fazl, “Mofradat Alfaz Ghoran”?, Translation and conducting research by Dr Sayed Gholam Reza Khosravi Hosseini, Mortazavi Publication, the Second Edition, 1375 (AH), the First Volume
33: Rabbani Khalkhali, Ali, “The Bight Face of Hazrat Abolfazl”?, Ghom, Maktab Alhossein Publication, the Fifth Edition, 1376 (AH), 1418 (AH) (According to lunar calendar), the First Volume
34: Rahmani Hamedani, Ahmad, “Fatemeh Zahra, the Happiness of the Holy Prophet’s Heart”?, Dr Sayed Hassan Eftekhar-zadeh Sabzevari, Badr Researches and Publication Office, the First Edition, 1373 (AH)
35: Reyshahri, Mohammad Mahdi, “Mizan Alhekmat”?, Translated by Hamid Reza Sheykhi and research conducted by “Daar Alhadith Research Center”?, the Fourth Edition, the Sixth Volume
36: Sajjadi, Sayed Jafar, “Dictionary of Mystic Expressions and Interpretations”?, Tahouri Library, Language and Culture of Iran, the Third Edition, 1375 (AH)
37: Shahidi, Sayed Jafar, “Biography of Fatemeh Zahra”?, Office of Publishing Islamic Culture, without date
38: Sheykh Sadough, “Elal Alsharaye’”?, Translation and research conducted by Deceased Sayed Mohammad Javad Zehni Tehrani, Momenin Publication, the Fifth Edition, 1384 (AH), the Second Volume
39: “Kamaleddin va Tamam Alne’mat”?, with translation of Mansour Pahlavan, research and correction conducted by Ali akbar Ghaffari, Publication of Jamkaran Holy Mosque, the Second Edition, 1382 (AH), the Second Volume
40: Allameh Tabatabayee, Sayed Mohammad Hossein, “Translation of Almizan Commentary on Quran”?, Translated by Sayed Mohammad Bagher Mousavi Hamedani, Ghom, Eslamic Publication affiliated to “Society of Professors of Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? 1363 (AH), in 20 Volumes, Volumes 4, 19 and 20
41: Altabresi Altousi, Sheykh Abou Ali Alfazl ibn Alhassan, “Translation of Maja Albayan Commentary”?, Translated by Dr Sayed Ebrahim Mirbagheri and a number of other translators, Farahani Publication, the First Edition, 1350 to 1360 (AH), in 27 Volumes, Volume 24
42: “Majma Albayan fee Tafsir Alghoran”?, Beirut, Daar Alehya Altarath Alarabi, 1379 (AH) (According to the lunar calendar), in 10 Volumes, the Fifth Volume
43: Aghighi Bakhshayeshi, Abdol Rahim, “Three Expressive Places of Martyrdom in the Epic of Aashoura”?, Ghom, Publication Office of Navid-e Eslam, the Second Edition, 1382 (AH)
44: Feyz Kashani, Mola Hassan, “The Light Way, the Translation of the Book Almahjat Albayza fee Tahzeeb-e Alahya”?, Translated by Abdol Ali Sahebi, Publication Institution of Aastan-e Ghods-e Razavi, the Second Edition, 1379 (AH), the Sixth Volume
45: Gharshi, Sayed Ali Akbar, “Ghamoos-e Ghoran”?, Daar Alkotob Aleslamiat, the Sixth Edition, 1371 (AH), the First Volume
46: Ghomi, Sheykh Abbas, “Safeenat Albahar va Madinat Alhokm va Alathar”?, Osveh Publication, the Third Edition, 1422 (AH) (According to the lunar calendar), Volumes 2 and 6
47: “Kolliat Mafateeh Aljanan”?, Translated by Haj Sayed Hashem Rasouli Mahallati, Corrected by Sayed Abdol Javad Shamseddin, Publication of Sadr Library related to “Baghiat Alsalehat”? Institution, the Second Edition, 1376 (AH)
48: “Montahi Alamal”?, Tehran, Elmieh Eslami Publication, Without date, Two Volumes in One Book
49: Kashani, Mola Fat’hollah, “Commentary on Monhaj Alsadeghin”?, Tehran, Eslamieh Library, the Second Edition, 1344 (AH), in 10 Volumes, the Seventh Volume
50: Katani, Soleyman, “Imam Ali, the Leader and Supporter”?, Translated and Written by Sayed Javad Hashtroudi, Ghom, Resalat Publishing Institution, the Second Edition, 1355 (AH)
51: “Fatemeh Zahra, Zehi dar Niam”?, Translated by Jafar Tabatabayee, Mashad, Tous Publication, 1349 (AH)
52: Alkoleini Alrazi, Abi Jafar Mohammad ibn Yaghoub ibn Eshagh, “Osoul-e Kaafi”?, Translation and Commentary by Sayed Javad Mostafavi, Publishing Office of “Fahang-e Ahl-ol Beyt”?, Without date, the Third Volume
53: Allameh Majlesi, Mohammad Bagher, “Behar Alanvar”?, “Daar Alkotob Aleslamiat”?, the Second Edition, 1363 (AH), Volumes 19, 20, 74 and 77
54: Mohaddesi, Javad, “Ammar-e Yaser”?, Ghom, Publication of Islamic Propagation Office, the Fourth Edition, 1382 (AH)
55: “Culture of Aashoura”?, Ghom, Marouf Publication, the Fifth Edition, 1380 (AH)
56: “Meysam Tammar”?, Ghom, Publication of Islamic Propagation Office, the Third Edition, 1379 (AH)
57: Motahhari, Morteza, “The Complete Human”?, Sadra Publication, the 32nd Edition, 1384 (AH), 1426 (AH) (According to lunar calendar)
58: “Hosseini Epic”?, Sadra Publciation, the Fourth Edition, 1366 (AH), Volumes 2 and 3
59: “A Review on Behavior of the Holy Prophet”?, Sadra Publication, the 35th Edition, 1385 (AH)
60: “A Review on Nahj ol Balagheh”?, Sadra Publication, the Second Edition, 1354 (AH)
61: “Revolt and Revolution of Hazrat Mahdi in the View of Philosophy of the History with enclosure of the martyr”?, Sadra Publication, the Sixth Edition, 1400 (AH) (Lunar calendar)
62: Moeen, Mohammad, “Persian Dictionary”?, Tehran, Amir Kabir Publication, the Fourth Edition, 1360 (AH), the First Volume
63: Sheykh Mofid, “Alershad”?, Translation and Explanation by Sayed Hashem Rasouli Mahallati, Office of Publishing Islamic Culture, the Sixth Edition, 1383 (AH), Volumes 1 and 2
64: Makarem Shirazi, Naser, “Nemouneh Commentary on Quran”?, Ghom, Daar Alkotob Aleslamiat, the 11th Edition, 1372 (AH), Volumes 12 ND 25
65: Najafi, Mohammad Javad, “Asan Commentary on Quran”?, Tehran, Eslamieh Library, the First Edition, 1362 to 1364 (AH), in 15 Volumes, the Second Volume
66: Najmi, Mohammad Sadegh, “Lecture of Hossein ibn Ali in Mena”?, Translation and Research Conducted by Mohammad Sadegh Najm
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