News ID: 215915
Publish Date: 19 July 2009 - 05:40

Palestine from Imam Khomeini’s View

Today, all political theoreticians confess that the appearance of the Islamic Revolution in the 20th century caused imbalance in the global order made by superpowers of east and west.
Today, all political theoreticians confess that the appearance of the Islamic Revolution in the 20th century caused imbalance in the global order made by superpowers of east and west. However, the most important function of the Islamic Revolution has been in the field of the Islamic Nation, and especially, in the subject of Palestine.
Today, all political theoreticians confess that the appearance of the Islamic Revolution in the 20th century caused imbalance in the global order made by superpowers of east and west. However, the most important function of the Islamic Revolution has been in the field of the Islamic Nation, and especially, in the subject of Palestine. Imam Khomeini’s opinions and thoughts in the subject of the Islamic Unity made the Middle East equities find a new form. It made new blood run in the vessels of Islamic processes in the region among which resistance and Jihad groups in Palestine and Lebanon that are in the turning point of the Islamic World benefit more from the Islamic Unity movement, and consequently, they have played influential roles in Imam Khomeini’s thoughts.
Up to the time the Islamic Revolution appeared, the Islamic countries considered Palestine conflict as an Arabic question and a problem between Arabs and Jews. Then, they were looking for a way to end the hostility between Palestine and Israel while accepting the existence of Israeli government. However, Imam Khomeini believed that the question of Palestine was the question of Islamic epicenter and not only Israel is an illegal regime, but also it is the biggest danger for the global consistency and it is a cancer tumor in the region.
He knew Israel the illegal offspring of acquisitiveness and domination of colonialism and believed that it should be destroyed in order to preserve peace and freedom in the world. In Imam Khomeini’s thought, whole Palestine soil belongs to the Islamic Nation. No person or government has the right of submitting even one centimeter of its soil to anyone else and every peace in such a question means hostility with Islam and the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
From the other hand, Imam Khomeini looks at the question of Palestine as a humane question and knows the Zionist Regime’s crimes as the sign of its contradiction with humanity and freedom of human beings. Therefore, every human’s task, from every religion and belief, is to favor and defend this oppressed nation. Imam Khomeini’s opinions and enlightening together with the present reasons and clues about Israel’s functions caused the question of Palestine changed from an Arabic subject into a global process based on two foundations of supporting oppressed people and fighting colonialism and oppressors so that the United Nations knew these campaigns as Palestinian people’s right. Nowadays, all Palestinian movements being favored by people of Palestine and are influential in forming and continuing of the 2nd Intifada are affected by Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution’s thoughts directly and they all know the only way of victory in complete destruction of Israel.
Beit-ol-Moghadas has been the first “Qibla”? of Muslims as well as their third religious city. It has been tied with Muslims’ beliefs, and then, Imam Khomeini’s relation with Palestine and Beit-ol-Moghadas is not a new relation. This subject was in his center of attention since early 40’s. Imam Khomeini considered Shah, the US, and Israel as allies against Islam. He announced in 1341: “I hereby beware, according to my religious task, to Iranian Nation and the world’s Muslims. The holy Quran and Islam are in danger.”? After the revolution, he also emphasized more severely the subject of Palestine and reminded the danger of Israel and Zionism in different occasions. We can find out Imam Khomeini’s thoughts about subjects related to Palestine having a deep precision in his sayings.
1) Separating Judaism from Zionism
2) Calling Muslims to unite against Israel
3) Specifying religious incomes to Palestinian fighters
4) Denominating the last Friday of Ramadan to the Global Day of “Qods”?
5) Destroying and obliterating Israel
In general, we can categorize the most important functions of Imam Khomeini’s thoughts about Palestine in revealing assassination, racist, and anti-humane feature of the Zionist Regime, forming and triumphing Islamic movements in the process of Palestinian nation’s campaigns, failing of peace procedure and the US plans in the Middle East, and the global favor for supporting Palestinian nation and fighting Zionism. In continue, we read some of Imam Khomeini’s statements about Palestine’s questions:
• Victory of rightness over untruth
Oh, Muslims of the world and oppressed people under domination of oppressors. Rise and unite. Defend Islam and your destiny. Do not fear mighty people’s turmoil because this century is god-willingly the century of oppressed people’s domination over oppressors and rightness domination over untruth.
• The shameful union of the US and Israel
Is not that a shame for Muslims and Islamic countries to be controlled and governed by the US from the other side of the world and being trapped and destroyed by the occupant Israel?
• From Nile to Euphrates
It would be much better that all governments in the region unite their forces to destroy and obliterate Israel on the geographical map. The corrupted Israel have oppressed Lebanon and other countries of the region as well as Palestine and oppressed nation of Palestine. It is better that the governments of the region unite and save the region from Israel and its supporter, the US. I have said many times before that Israel considers lands from Nile to Euphrates as his belonging and knows you as its lands occupants; however Israel does not dare to express it frankly.
• The US is the supporter of Zionism
Now, all of our problems are due to the US. Our problems originate from the US which fortifies Zionism in order to kill our Muslim brothers in groups.
• Superpowers’ cooperation against Palestine
Today, all superpowers and all powers in the world are cooperating not to let Muslim Palestinians meet their objectives. Even, many of people who claim to love Palestinian people, in fact, they do not like Palestinians overcome Israeli regime. Unfortunately, they co-operate each other not to let Palestinians win by silence and watching, since, their victory is Islam’s victory. They are afraid as Islam won in Iran and changed their rules. Their benefits have not been gained. The same thing will happen if Islam wins in Lebanon and Palestine and throw them out. Then, all evils have been gathered not to let Islam grow.
• We should not feel sorry about that
The turn of the ones who are silent against Israel’s crimes will com. Right now, Israel stands against all Islamic countries and says: “Do not err!”? Is not this full of sorry? The ones who are at the top of their country and are told: “Hands off!”? are not really human!
• Announcing the global day of Qods
I have bewared all the Muslims of the world the danger of the occupant Israel through long years. I bewared about Israel which is now attacking severely Palestinian brothers and sisters, and especially, in the southern Lebanon, it is bombarding on and on people’s homes in order to massacre Palestinian fighters. I hereby ask all Muslims of the world and Islamic government to unite and end the occupant Israel and its supporters’ interference. Then, I invite all Muslims in the world to take part in the ceremony of Qods’ day in the last Friday of Ramadan which can be crucial for this nation and declare their international unity with other Muslims of the world and favor the legal rights of Palestinian people. I ask the great God the victory of Muslims over infidels.
• Rise!
Oh, Muslims of the world and oppressed people. Rise and take your destiny in your control. How long do you wait to see Washington or Moscow determines your destiny? How long your Qods must be threaded under the US and the occupant Israel’s boots? How long Qods, Palestine, Lebanon, and their oppressed Muslims should be in the dominance of criminals while you are spectators and your rulers are hand in gloves?
• Palestine’s occupation is not the end
Everyone should know that the goal of big governments of creating Israel will not end with occupying Palestine. They are planning to occupy all Arabic countries just like they did in Palestine. Today, we witness Palestinian fighters’ jihad in order to take the fate of Palestinians by themselves. We witness jihadists who, with the last drop of their blood, are fighting against occupation and invasion heroically and rise to free Palestine and occupied lands. We witness what puppets of colonialism did to Jordan before and are doing in Lebanon right now. Do not Islamic countries and Muslims have any responsibility toward God, wisdom, and conscience in such a situation? Is it right to let Palestinian fighters being killed by colonialist puppets in their countries while others keep silence toward this massacre? Do not Arabic governments and Muslim habitants of these regions know that they will not see security by destroying this jihad?
• Separation puzzle
Something looks like a puzzle to me and it is that all Islamic governments know the problem and they know that there are alien hands in this question in order to separate them. They know that nothing but weakness and destruction will be gained by separation. They see that a weak government called Israel is standing against them so that if every Muslim spills a bucket of water on Israel, it will sink! However, they are downfallen toward it. Why do not they resort to the real cure which is unity? Why do not they nullify conspiracies that colonialists use to weaken them? When should this puzzle be solved? Who should nullify these conspiracies except Islamic countries and Muslim nations? If you solve this puzzle and find any answer, please let us know.

• Why Arabic governments are being slapped by Zionism?
Why Muslims are unaware of this power Islam has? Why should Arabic governments be slapped from Zionism through all these years? Why should they be under dominance of foreign powers?
• Betrayal of some heads of governments
The problem is in indifference of governments which give their benefits and resources and get prostration instead for themselves and their nations. The problem of all Muslims is hidden in this kind of indifference or betrayal of some heads of governments. It is an unwise expectation for nations that wait for their governments to stand against Israel and other powers which make them prostrate them and take their resources away.
• Muslims’ indifference
The Islamic world’s problem is that ears which should hear Muslims’ problems are deaf, tongues which should talk to solve Muslims’ problems are mute, and eyes which should see disasters happened to Muslims are blind. What can we say to these deaf, mute, and blind people?
• Prostitution of some heads of governments
Palestine is in the ultimate of disaster. Islamic countries’ heads do not let their people the chance of repulsing Zionism and limiting aliens’ penetration although they have natural mines and resources. Selfishness of some Arabic governments and their surrender to the penetration of alien hands in their countries prevents ten millions Arabs to save the occupied Palestine from Israel’s occupation.
• What if Islamic countries were pragmatic
It is unbelievable that Islamic countries are under domination of big powers having great population, great resources, and the west needs to them in many affairs. It is not anything but we have lost the spirit existed in the early years of Islam which had led to domination of Muslims over infidels.
• Making ourselves equipped against Israel
Be careful and find your Islamic personality. Do not be oppressed and reveal evil plans of international superpowers whose head is the US carefully. It is a must for every Muslim to equip himself against Israel.
• The necessity of favoring Beitolmoghadas
Rise and defend Islam and the center of revelation. Do not be afraid of this turmoil because Islam needs you and you are responsible before God. Trust God and go ahead with unity in word.
• Destroy Israel
We defend Palestinian unsheltered people against Israel. Israel, this symbol of corruption, has always been a base for the US. I bewared the danger of Israel for about 20 years. We all have to rise and destroy Israel and substitute hero nation of Palestine instead.
• Cruel wants
I fear the day in which Islamic nations and governments wake up when Israel meets its cruel and criminal wants by the criminal US, but Muslims cannot do anything.
• Using Quran commands
Oh, separate drops away from the ocean of Islam and Quran! Wake up and connect this divine ocean and this pure light to blind eyes of greedy superpowers and cut their invading hands and reach an honest life and humane values. Set yourself free from this shameful life in which some wandering Israeli people are ruling you and oppressing Muslims in front of you.
• Nation’s rise is the only way to save Palestine
If you are willing to overcome your problems, save Qods from these aliens and their prostitutes, save Palestine, Egypt, and other Arabic nations, you should rise. Nations must rise and do not wait for their governments to do that. Their governments just work on subjects having profit for them. Nations must rise and get the mystery. The mystery of victory is that they wish martyrdom and do not value the animal earthly life. This is the mystery that may move nations ahead and it is a mystery which has come in Quran.
According to Imam Khomeini’ thought, whole Palestinian territory belongs to the Islamic nation. Then, no one or government has the right to submit even one centimeter of its land to anyone else and every peace over this question means hostility with Islam and Mohammad’s religion.
Today, every movement fighting in Palestine which is favored by people of the occupied lands having role in forming and continuing the second Intifada are directly influenced by Imam Khomeini’s thoughts and they know the only way of victory in obliterating Israel.
The ones who are silent toward Israel’s crimes will be punished soon. Right now, Israel stands against all Islamic countries and says: “Do not err!”? Is not this full of sorry? The ones who are at the top of their country and are told: “Hands off!”? are not really human! It feels like a puzzle to me and it is that all Islamic governments and nations know what the problem is. They know that aliens are going to separate them. They know that they will gain nothing but weakness and destruction. They know that a weak government called Israel is standing against them and if every Muslim spills a bucket of water on Israel, it will sink.
Imam Khomeini says: “The Islamic world’s problem is that ears which should hear Muslims’ problems are deaf, tongues which should talk to solve Muslims’ problems are mute, and eyes which should see disasters happened to Muslims are blind. What can we say to these deaf, mute, and blind people?”?
Imam Khomeini says: “Palestine is in the ultimate of disaster. Islamic countries’ heads do not let their people the chance of repulsing Zionism and limiting aliens’ penetration although they have natural mines and resources. Palestine is in the ultimate of disaster. Islamic countries’ heads do not let their people the chance of repulsing Zionism and limiting aliens’ penetration although they have natural mines and resources.”?
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