badr operation

Ahmed Javidanpoor was the fourth child of the family. He was born in Birjand (city in Iran). He started to learn Holy Quran when he was child finally he could read it fluently after 2 years. He started his education in Birjand in 1966.
News ID: 385822    Publish Date : 2019/06/11

Mohammad Ashtari was born in 1962 in a religious family. His mother was Akram Khoshrou. Mohammad Ashtari was known as Mohammad Naser.
News ID: 385793    Publish Date : 2019/05/25

After the "Badr Operation", we had a police station on the water and a commander who was from Isfahan, he was too faithful… his name was Martyr Davali. Whenever he saw me, I hope to martyr on the water, he told me all the time.
News ID: 385697    Publish Date : 2019/04/14

At the day of Hussein Amlaki's Martyrdom;
There was a man beside martyr Amlaki who had not mask when the Bathi forces used chemical weapons, martyr Hussein Amlaki rejected his mask and put it on his face! This is the Hero!
News ID: 385679    Publish Date : 2019/04/06

Martyr Mahdi Bakeri’s testament includes 2 parts. The first part which is available on the cyberspace, but the second part is a hand write script to his wife which expressed his willing…
News ID: 385405    Publish Date : 2018/07/21