News ID: 85028
Publish Date: 17 December 2007 - 05:28

Index of memories of martyr Ayatollah Dastgheib

Biography in his own words

Subject of Imam Khomeini's message for his introduction

Work and compiling

Fantastic stories

The humble prayers

Challenges of martyr Dastgheib under Imam's leadership

Message of the great, leader in martyrdom, Master Mehrab Shiraz 

The night before martyrdom

Message of Imam about martyrdom of Ayatollah Dastgheib 


Biography in his own words 

 In the name of the forgiving God son Abdol Hossein Dastgheib, our late father Mr. Sayed Mohammad Tghi Dastgheib born on the day of holly Ashura 1332 equivalent to 1922.

 Up to age 11 in the year 1964 when our father passed away I used to read the introductory with him, after his death at about 11 or 12 continued my education in Shiraz which consisted of "use and Nahobian and ways of the religion".

 In those days because it was at the time of leadership of REZAKHAN GHOLDOR MALOON and war with spirituality and religion no one was allowed to be educated, and with the pressures around not many could study. This Maloon had everyone so against religion that they would say a spiritual is a member of the "sick society" so no one would dare study anything to do with religion. But thank God with all the pressures and difficulties around we were able to continue our studies, after school we would go to the Bagher Khan mosque and talked about Islam and continued our activities against the Pahlavi regime. It was at that time when I was put in jail and given 24 hours to disrobe and forget about the mosque and preaching and never be in a mosque again. I had no choice but to go to Najaf Ashraf of course this was a blessing because I became an honorary (Mosharaf) there. For a while there I served under Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad Kazem Shirazi and the late Ayatollah ESTEHBANATI.  A lot from them and at 11th of September at the fall of Pahlavi at the age of 21 I went to Shiraz. When I got there friends came to my visit and together we started the Jameh Atigh mosque, and the time Pahlavi had ordered the sale of everything in that mosque, it was all broken down so we started repairing little by little and thank God spirituals grew in numbers and the mosque got started with the help of the people and our activities.

 Subject of Imam Khomeini's message to introduce him:

 In the name of the forgiving God.

 With the blessing of HOJAT-OL-ISLAM VAL-MOSLEMIN Haj Sayed Abdolhossein Dastgheib.

 The honorable arrived and so did a letter from the people of Shiraz by a messenger inviting him to the Friday prayers in Shiraz and the letter ended with blessings.

After the characterization of martyr Dastgheib and blessing of the people a lot of the problems were behind him.

Work and compiling:

1.Everlasting heaven

2.Certain role 



5.Sermon of shabarieh 

6.Hosseini uprising 

7.Great sins 

8.Humble prayers 

9.Great Fatemeh Zahra and Zeinab 

10.Ascention to heaven 


12.Heart of Quran

13.Introduction from the Quran

14.Another world 

15.Islamic behavior 


17.Secrecy of Quran

18.Office of Imam (Imamate)

19.Truth from Quran


21.Friday sermons

22.Salim's heart 

23.Manners from the Quran



26.Fantastic stories


   Fantastic stories:

 This book consists of 148 stories which do not appear in any other book and along with each story an interesting conclusion which the honorable collector martyr Ayatollah Dastgheib has put together, on top of this he has made it interesting and informal and it make you increase your faith towards your God.

 From the innocent dreams which are a sign of strength from God and healing of the sick which comes from connection to him, he waters the tree of friendship and gives a new hope and happiness to all.

 The humble prayer:

 Those with faith who have been delivered are humble in their prayers.

 The book of Quran which is unmatched states with a summary of ways and beliefs of prayer and for prayers to be accepted they have to be followed.  

 He talks about the presence of heart and knowledge and promise of prayer which are the rules of accepted prayers; he talks of purity and fairness, the powers within and reminds you of what makes your prayers invalid.

 Challenges of martyr Dastgheib under the leadership of Imam:

Martyred Ayatollah Dastgheib started his activities under Imam Khomeini in the year 1962 and from then on he was in direct contact with the Imam and he would get help and ideas from him for different aspects. After the incidents of 5th of June 1963 by the American regime the Shah got arrested and in a very short time miraculously freed again. And in the year 1963 again got arrested and put behind bars.

Martyr Ayatollah Dastgheib from that date on which a wave of fear and silence had taken over the society began leading the Moslems against the regime in the region of Fars. His secret challenges towards the regime of Taghoot was Known to everyone and at the time of Khomeini's exile he used to openly question Shah's speeches.

The Jameh Atigh mosque which had been reopened by the people's efforts after a long time had become a centre for thirsty youngsters to learn about Islam. Martyr Dastgheib used this mosque for forty years with faith to put Islamic soul and behavior into the needy people of Fars, and in result some leaders that had got their roots from there rose to assure the public. Once the regime found out that university students and youngsters from different walks of life use and support the mosque in the year 1977 again arrested martyr Dastgheib and committed him to his house, guarded and unable to meet with anyone, and with the peoples uprising being futile, he had no choice but to surrender.

Martyr Ayatollah Dastgheib even in the years of the Islamic revolution was the motivator of the people of Fars and with his open mindedness and dedication was able to play an important role in overthrowing Savak and Shahs butcher like regime.

Martyr Dastgheib after the victory of Islamic Revolution as a representative of the people of Fars went to congress; it was around this time that on the written order of the Imam he became an Imam for city of Shiraz.

 The great message of leader in martyrdom of Mehrab Shiraz:

The brave and resistant people of Fars and the revolutionary brothers and sisters of martyr Ayatollah Haj Sayed Abdolhossein Dastgheib, this spiritual fighter was murdered by the murderous hands of the enemies of the revolution, you most of all know how valuable he was to the world of Islam, the first to raise the flag of Islam under the most treacherous conditions in the country of Fars. He put the words Imam Omat in everyone mouths, careless of all worldly goods he spent his life fighting for justice and Islam and his heart was happy with the memory of God. This lovable face and spiritual man was the pride of people of Fars and respected and known all over the country.

The death of this great mind and spirit is yet another proof of how filth and greed are always ready to destroy men of God.

Our sincerest condolences for the death of this great man to all Iranian and specially the people of county of Fars who were like his children, followers and students,

Sayed Ali Khamenei

  The night before martyrdom:

From the wife of martyr Ayatollah Dastgheib.

 The Friday night which the next day he was to be a martyr he had a strong feeling of restlessness, he tossed and turned all night and could not fall asleep. His restlessness was to an extend that attracted his wife's attention until she asked him about it, he replies," I will tell you first thing in the morning".

The next morning when he was preparing to leave for the Friday prayers unlike all other times he used lots of perfume and again unlike all other times before leaving he announces it, with a hand signal, as he leaves for the door he says a prayer for one of his guards, and just a few steps away from his door, the incident and he comes to his death.



 Our holly Friday was as fragile as a flower, morning breeze and as kind as spring rain, our holly Friday was as clean as white. Like pouring light, Like a spiritual song, like the foot step of followers, like the boiling of spring of love but this holly Friday will never come again.

The narrow streets behind the school will not hear his familiar voice again. The heart won't beat to the sound of his soft steps again, rocks and clay in the street won't sing again.

The Friday sermon was a mixture of kindness and anger, the scream of Christ and Mohammad greetings to you people, my life as sacrifice for you people who with your dependence of Imam Etal olah created pride. Shame and curse on all those who profit from this death, shame on America who everyday comes out with a new way to destroy our spiritual revolution the Friday Imam will not read the Friday sermon anymore.

Whenever there was talk of the Imam the kind elderly in our neighborhood would frown and tears would run down their cheeks enough to break anyones heart. Two of his followers and students have two definitions which is full of kindness, Mr.Movahedi says if this definition is correct Mr. Dastgheib is perishable in the Imam, Mr. Seyed Ali Asghar Dastgheib, a dear kind hearted spiritual in our city said:"along with Mr. Dastgheib when went to visit the Imam his ways were like a worshipers to his God".

Whenever the children would miss him they would go to Mr. Dastgheib.

Finally this great martyr on Friday 20th of Azar 1360 was killed at the hands of cold hearted hypocrites.

 message of the Imam in martyrdom of Ayatollah Dastgheib:

Our dears and the lights of our eyes are fighting every day in the combat zones of the south and west to drive back the evil of America and sending to hell of the enemy to bring back Islam pride and honor, in a way that these victories have added to their craze and barbarism, you can imagine martyr Beheshti a sinner or other martyrs who have no fault but educating and guiding people. The murderous hands of the Americans took from us an individual who was able to coach a worldly agent whos only fault was sincerity to Islam, they took him from us and made every Iranian mourn, Imam Hojat- Ol- Islam val-moslemin martyr Haj Seyed Abdolhossein Dastgheib who was our teacher was murdered with a group of his colleagues.


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