News ID: 359060
Publish Date: 18 July 2012 - 10:54

How was the Youngest Pilot of Iranian Army Killed?

Navideshahed: When the Major General Pilot Seyed Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was captured by the Iraqi forces, based on the demand of Saddam Hussein his body was cut into two pieces and half of his body was buried in Nineveh and the other piece was buried in Movasal located in Iraq.

According to Navideshahed, we all Iranians know Tom Cruise, but we do not know the champions of Iran properly, this story is not a film, but also it is a reality.

I would like to familiarize you with a real champion who is a patriotic and unknown Iranian. Major General Pilot Seyed Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was the youngest instructor pilot of the Army Air Force. It is better for you to know how this strong man was martyred for his country Iran.

He became an instructor pilot at the age of 25 for the aircraft F-5. At the age of 27 he got the ranking of major and one of the senior officers of the Army Air Force. Major General Pilot Abbas Babayee and Major General Pilot Mustafa Ardestani were the some of the outstanding students of this instructor pilot.

Education in the United States of America

He accomplished his pilot courses for 220 hours in 1968 in the Williams Air Base located in Finix city, Arizona State of the United States of America and he got the first position in more than 400 pilot students from different countries of the world. He was selected as the superior pilot in the Air Base as well. Also in 1974 for the purpose of passing the master degree of the air photos interpretation and Information and Air Strike Management went to the United States of America once again.

His body was bisected (cut into two pieces) and each piece was buried separately

This fellow man of Iran had damaged most of the power units and firms of Iraq and his operative plans had caused that the exportation of Iraq which was 350 million tons of oil to reach zero that is why the criminal Saddam Hussein wanted to kill him so much. When the Major General Pilot Seyed Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was captured by the Iraqi forces, based on the demand of Saddam Hussein his body was cut into two pieces and half of his body was buried in Nineveh and the other piece was buried in Movasal located in Iraq.

Complete Description of Martydom

We should read the full description of this martyr bellow in order to know what respectful men we have had in the Amy Fair Force that even we have not heard their names.

When Ali Eghbali Dogaheh bombarded Al-Ghareh military base, while he had been captured by the Iraqi Baathist forces alive, due to the heavy attacks that the Iranian Army Air Force had created against the Iraq’s war machine during the initial months of the war, by the demand of Saddam Hussein for the purpose of creating fears and frightening among the other pilots of Iran, against all the humanitarian rules and regulations, they cut his body into two pieces and they buried one piece in Nineveh and other piece in Movasel. This crime was really horrible and wild in a way that the Iraqi Baathist regime would try to hide this issue for many years. They did not reveal the destiny of this respectful martyr for many years. During 22 years no information was revealed regarding this martyr. Eventually in 1991 according to the operation and intelligence reports and the letter of the International Red Crescent based on this martyrdom and the declarations of other freed prisoners of war and the Iraqi captured pilots, the martyrdom of Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was revealed. His pure body which had been cut into two pieces and one piece of that had been buried in Nineveh and the other part in Zabri graveyard of Movasel based on the follow up of Prisoners and Missing War Veterans Searching Committee belonging to the International Red Crescent along with the bodies of several other pilots from the Air Force were turned to country after 22 years being away from country. The bodies were escorted among the sorrows and unhappiness of his comrades, friends and family. A very magnificent funeral procession was held for them and it was escorted in front of the Air Force Headquarters and it was buried in the piece of Pilots in the public cemetery near his martyred comrades.

God bless him and may his followers are a lot

The End

According to Navideshahed, we all Iranians know Tom Cruise, but we do not know the champions of Iran properly, this story is not a film, but also it is a reality. I would like to familiarize you with a real champion who is a patriotic and unknown Iranian. Major General Pilot Seyed Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was the youngest instructor pilot of the Army Air Force. It is better for you to know how this strong man was martyred for his country Iran. He became an instructor pilot at the age of 25 for the aircraft F-5. At the age of 27 he got the ranking of major and one of the senior officers of the Army Air Force. Major General Pilot Abbas Babayee and Major General Pilot Mustafa Ardestani were the some of the outstanding students of this instructor pilot. Education in the United States of America He accomplished his pilot courses for 220 hours in 1968 in the Williams Air Base located in Finix city, Arizona State of the United States of America and he got the first position in more than 400 pilot students from different countries of the world. He was selected as the superior pilot in the Air Base as well. Also in 1974 for the purpose of passing the master degree of the air photos interpretation and Information and Air Strike Management went to the United States of America once again. His body was bisected (cut into two pieces) and each piece was buried separately This fellow man of Iran had damaged most of the power units and firms of Iraq and his operative plans had caused that the exportation of Iraq which was 350 million tons of oil to reach zero that is why the criminal Saddam Hussein wanted to kill him so much. When the Major General Pilot Seyed Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was captured by the Iraqi forces, based on the demand of Saddam Hussein his body was cut into two pieces and half of his body was buried in Nineveh and the other piece was buried in Movasal located in Iraq. Complete Description of Martydom We should read the full description of this martyr bellow in order to know what respectful men we have had in the Amy Fair Force that even we have not heard their names. When Ali Eghbali Dogaheh bombarded Al-Ghareh military base, while he had been captured by the Iraqi Baathist forces alive, due to the heavy attacks that the Iranian Army Air Force had created against the Iraq’s war machine during the initial months of the war, by the demand of Saddam Hussein for the purpose of creating fears and frightening among the other pilots of Iran, against all the humanitarian rules and regulations, they cut his body into two pieces and they buried one piece in Nineveh and other piece in Movasel. This crime was really horrible and wild in a way that the Iraqi Baathist regime would try to hide this issue for many years. They did not reveal the destiny of this respectful martyr for many years. During 22 years no information was revealed regarding this martyr. Eventually in 1991 according to the operation and intelligence reports and the letter of the International Red Crescent based on this martyrdom and the declarations of other freed prisoners of war and the Iraqi captured pilots, the martyrdom of Ali Eghbali Dogaheh was revealed. His pure body which had been cut into two pieces and one piece of that had been buried in Nineveh and the other part in Zabri graveyard of Movasel based on the follow up of Prisoners and Missing War Veterans Searching Committee belonging to the International Red Crescent along with the bodies of several other pilots from the Air Force were turned to country after 22 years being away from country. The bodies were escorted among the sorrows and unhappiness of his comrades, friends and family. A very magnificent funeral procession was held for them and it was escorted in front of the Air Force Headquarters and it was buried in the piece of Pilots in the public cemetery near his martyred comrades. God bless him and may his followers are a lot The End
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