News ID: 116936
Publish Date: 05 July 2008 - 09:55

The approaches of social attendance of excessive generous women and its social and cultural effects

The attempt of Iranian Muslim women’s excessive generosity in Islamic revolution and the story of their resistance in holy defense are still alive and shining at the first page of history of Iran. The society that is going to step in the way of developing should use attendance of half body of community. The strategies of a developed society should be based on women’s active participation in economical, political social and cultural affairs. In this article in the way of our intention, we consider not only the study of approaches of social attendance of excessive generous women. the study of the social approach of women’s attendance, the consideration of economic approach of women’s attendance, but also the strategies of paying attention to intellectual affairs, keeping modesty and veil , paying attention to aspects of women’s need, enabling generous women, their self-reliance, improvement of family identity based on Islam principal.
The attempt of Iranian Muslim women’s excessive generosity in Islamic revolution and the story of their resistance in holy defense are still alive and shining at the first page of history of Iran. The society that is going to step in the way of developing should use attendance of half body of community.
The strategies of a developed society should be based on women’s active participation in economical, political social and cultural affairs. In this article in the way of our intention, we consider not only the study of approaches of social attendance of excessive generous women. the study of the social approach of women’s attendance, the consideration of economic approach of women’s attendance, but also the strategies of paying attention to intellectual affairs, keeping modesty and veil , paying attention to aspects of women’s need, enabling generous women, their self-reliance, improvement of family identity based on Islam principal. In this research the aspects of excessive generous women’s attendance including cultural, educational social, economical, political and informational communications progress, providing of national safety and mental health are considered .The attendance of excessive generous women can be effective if it is balanced in every aspects. So we should provide necessary situation for excessive generosity attendance. In this way , making samples of innocent Imam , education of children based on Islamic principles, Their role in communication and informational technology and preparing them and gaining necessary skills for attending in informational society, education of women in every fields , creation of jobs in the aspect of cooperation and harmony with non governmental organizations and NGOs. Creation of happy and healthy air for women, improving the level of women’s health, creation of necessary field for attending in art, sport, activities using women in decision making level considering special need’s of women and protecting them, paying attention to their mental safety and enabling them by means of using the control, participating, equality, access, awareness, convenience factors are some solutions. So in the direction of developing, suitable structures should be established for the sake of improving excessive generous women as a professional human power. Powers that can be improved and elevate by relying on and believing in god, knowledge profession and usage of suitable technology as soon as possible. In new structure, we should look for never organization so that it doesn’t damage the women’s main responsibility that is the education of future generation. For attending women, we should know needs opportunities, facilities and restrictions and while we look ahead, we should provide a good circumstance for women in every fields and this is impossible, unless under the shadow of Islam . However, we hope women’s awareness increases, gradually and women’s eminent place rise in either different aspects or the place of being mother and wife.

In every country, women form half of population of that society. They are maker and educator of future generation and are accounted as potential human resources in social, scientific and cultural development. In every field, every opportunity given to them, they can move beside man and even in some cases they can get ahead of them and eliminating the variety of social and family obstacles, they can acquire significant successes. Islamic revolution is the fair scope of women attendance in society. Iranian Muslim women’s attempts and excess generosity in Islamic revolution and the story of resistance of brave obligor and sympathetic generation in imposed war against the well armed enemy with international supports are still shining lively and dynamic in Iran history’s sheets. A woman’s whose cloak of courage and bravery thrashed the most complicated methods and military instruments. Mother, wires and girls who played the skilled and positive role as a good pattern with their day and night and intolerable attempts and presented beautiful picture, of patience, self, sacrifice and excessive generosity and fixed criteria of present age women. And evidence based on their ability registered in history. So women’s place in Islamic society system and familiarity with them and their position and the efficiency of their attendance in different fields should be considered and thought. If a society wants to be lucky and successful, it has to us the attendance of generous women. The experience has shown that women have shown their own competence in social responsibilities and a lot of other field. So we should provide necessary circumstances and field for social, cultural and political proportions of excessive generous women so that they can play the balanced role in family affairs with shining of Islamic. Muslim Iranian women have played first role in fighting and recreation of social and political structure based on uninfected view and extended theories of Islam in Islamic revolution. They not only have attended in society actively but also made others be active, gave men bravery , persuaded them and created the powerful youth for governing country and gaining social, political goal of community . (Safari 1374)
The role of women in society is the base and principle of religion. The attendance and necessity of her active attendance in different social and political fields should guarantee the aim of Islamic society. It means that maintaining and improving the social and political structures and social proportions related to that are provide to be true with playing main role of women with other people in revolution current.
The society wants to pace in the direction of improvement should use its human power including man and woman in right way, because human resource of the society is the only factor which determines the speed of social and economical growth development.
Human society consists of women and men who do special tasks and play specific role in their relation with each other. Certainly, women as a half of population have direct effect on development and improvement of society should be based on more active participation of women in social, political, economical and cultural affairs, but there is still no suitable situation for using women’s ability. Women have a lot of capabilities, but knowing how to use then needs its own suitable method. (Women and journals 78)
The attendance of excessive generous women in international affairs is paid attention too. There are lots of cases in the fields of women’s social attendance based on deep Islamic thought that can place as a practical program even higher them other countries methods. In this field we can create a mechanism so that women have the equal participation and the same attendance in making decision and the strategies and this can affect on methods of rising the level of education, employment, increasing the level of women’s skill, creating the sense of cooperation and interaction, maintaining the identity of family, good education of children and making them be familiar with values and principles of Islam, preparing them and skill of attending in informational community, active attendance in political management stage, participating in medias and journals, sport and art fields for women’s attendance in every aspects of different fields .
The importance and necessity of research:
We are proud of that old and young women and ladies act beside men or better than them for proving Islam and great Groan's goals in economical, cultural, military stages .(Imam Khomeini ) Islamic revolution as an historical event has provided fields of women attendance in different stages and women have found their own exact place in any period of time . In one side, women, as a half of population of country, deserve the usage of facility of growth and improvement and on the other side, as a potential power, that have share in proving human sources, should be considered. Whenever nation ware following their own exact leaders, women like men were finding their own place, so they were gaining perfection. One example of that is Islamic revolution of Iran and this movement leader shouted:”? do not close the house door for women and don’t lock the door in order to women can not. Women went to fields in early stages of Islam.”? With this shout, Imam Khomeini tore the curtains of ignorance. He invited women to try like women in early Islam. The result of these warning was the active attendance of women in different stages. Therefore, in addition to attempts which women were making, they refund their own soul and trimmed themselves from rascality; they took part in different social activities too. At first, they went for fighting against bullet with fist and shouting, while they embraced their dear child and men who made irresistible agreement with their own vote after fighting with enemy .To show faith fullness, they sent their own Esmaeil to side murder and thanked God after seeing the holy corpus of martyrs and greeted on Hussein ( God bless him ) with purity of heart and talked to Zeinab ( God bless her ) with ashamed and told her that they had not sent one or more dear to side murder of love.
She saw the death of two sons, seven brothers and fine nephews and after to torment of killed body of the most noblemen of creatures in the world that was the captive protector too. Women of this nation try hard with the memorial of Aashura by their whole power, because they had told to men of Aashura: “Be together, then we win, a great win and now is the stage of proving and honesty of that claims.”? An attempt to destroy 2500 years old dictator, protecting of revolution purposes oppose to atheistic thoughts. They tried for explaining minds by tongue and pen, and persuaded and made men brave in fighting with enemy. They afford every thing by persuading men to attend in front, supporting people in fronts financially, helping any giving services to front, treating wounded people in war, their beautiful tolerance as the family of martyrs, unable people, lost individuals and captives, friends of martyr’s family and the responsibility of keeping houses and family when their husbands are missing. In several recent years the attendances of women as an active group and thoughtful have been emphasized in every social and cultural stage. Therefore a situation was created which have made a great change in q view toward women and let’s of rights have not been given to women, have been given now and raised the place of women from retro gradation seclusion to highest level of credit. Most of researchers believe that the most section of managements and responsibilities at high level will be in the hands of women. This is impossible unless women are not disappointed from their attempt. Here, Medias are accounted as important tools for making cultures in society. So women have found to keep their own place and show their capabilities, they have to enter cultural and social fields.
General purpose: The study of approaches of excessive generous women’s attendance in society and its cultural and social affect.
Specific purposes: 1- The study of cultural approach of attendance of excessive generous women. 2- The study of social approach of attendance of excessive generous women. 3- The study of economical approach of attendance of excessive generous women. 4- The study of political approach of attendance of excessive generous women.
Plans and programs (strategies)
â—? Paying attention to intellectual affairs â—? maintaining veil and modesty â—? paying attention to aspects of women’s attendance. â—? Enabling excessive generous women â—? Excessive generous women’s self-reliance. â—? improving the family identity based on Islam principles.
Method of research: This research is the kind of descriptional research and documents and information were gathered by library method and were analyzed.
Data collection instruments Information have been gathered by using of library method, CD, Internet.
Background of research:
Fatima safari has studied different aspects of role of women in a research with the title of social symbol and location of role of Muslim women in society based in Imam Khomeini’s view. She has remarked the unification view and extensive of Islam. She has accounted the unification view and open minded Islam determinative in role and status of women in the society. In this research, knowing the model of social role and status of Muslim women are emphasized based on Imam Khomeini. The analysis of passage chose a method of this study. Mrs. Safari has explained some assumptions such as the method of social role and the status of Muslim women in Islamic society, false social role and status of women in non Islamic societies. In another research, Mrs. Tahere Tahmasebi Ganjavi has studied the political participation in holy defense in present situation. It is necessary for women to know their capabilities and accept that they can do any things. They should have share in making decision related to society and their own country and positive effect on political issues of their own society like the time of occurrence of Islamic revolution and the time of holy defense.
The aspects of excessive generous women attendance: 1- cultural – educational aspect excessive generous women are cultural symbols because of their special position and their obvious role in educating and improving the thought of children, the perfected human of future. In most of traditions and social. Cultural and personal mixture are kept and transported by women to another generation or they are not considered, so become disappear. Women had had a great effect on structure and thought and cultural system of a society.
One of the important methods is providing a good situation for attending women in the field of education. In Imam Khomeini’s opinion science is not just for a special person. Science is for everyone and attempt to gain it is the responsibility of women and men. Women’s education and training tasks are emphasized by Imam Khomeini. In the view of Imam, education and training of women and girls by Islamic method can change them mentally. The effect of this can be paid attention in individual and aspects making human enable is possible through education and, providing hospitable situations for improving women and, knowing their talents and capabilities are exactly the duty of governments. Education is accounted as the most important element in cultural, social, political and economical processes. The development of education has provided the attendance of women with more proficiency in different parts increasingly, so that they can change the view of society towards women’s capabilities. By self-reliance
This is impossible without paying attention to excessive generous women. One of the most important criteria of developing is the education of women. Education is not only there exact right, but also an instrument for enabling them in every aspect. Making enable means that they can overcome to development obstacles especially inequality.
The human kind changes in the shadow of education and strengthening mentally socially become of culture and philosophy he/she believes in. Education is the most basic method of transporting knowledge by education we do not mean just we transport information to women, but makes them enable to use these information and improve the power of thought and have a share in making important and fateful decisions. In our culture, learning is not specialized for a special sex or group. All human including man and women can have it. I different stage of family life, women need to learn some skills to play better role at home or in the society.

Education and participation are accounted as the most important and necessary criteria of making women enable in all aspects.
Development in social , economical fields are accounted as a process of social , economical and cultural changes which in clued the improvement and increase of work and providing income , providing acceptable level of food , house , education , training and health.

2) Social aspects:
Excessive women not only attend in different social, political stages but also they go ahead in all of society affairs.
According to this, they have higher role in the society some of the cases that women participate and go ahead in them are:

1- Women took part in Islamic revolution and have had the fir it role in victory.

2- Excessive generous women have the most important role in the society because of educating of the active group.

3- Women have the heist role level in every affair since they give bravery to men and persuade them.
One of the women is attendance sign in social stage is their employment.
In these recent years, women's attendance has been emphasized in every social stager and as a result of that anew situation that has changed view of the society toward women has appeared.
A working woman goes out of home with a purpose and can solve her own problems with awareness.
Today, Following Fate me and her way, her thought and her behave our, women of our society have important role and active attendance in social and cultural stages.
Women are accounted as active actress of every country's economy.
Achieving to success is difficult or even impossible wherever women are not paid attention, so every society which wants to develop social facility and economical arrangement should use the half of population.
Women's role in work power has increased in some stages.
Statistics have shown that 80 percent of women work in educational and health sections and intense of work of women in state parts is more than nongovernmental parts.
According to women's as sending improvement in academic education, we can remark that the suitable chances of working have not been provided for women in every parts , so politicians and decision makers should determine the accurate approaches to balance in women's working situation so that women can attend in industry , services and production parts – in a balanced way.
Providing necessary Fields are important to be thought and paid attention for persuading and encouraging women in non governmental consulting and interactions and Forming NCOs.

4- Political aspect:
Imam Khomeini says "women should interference in basic Fates of country". This sentence remarks big and extensive duty of Muslim women in determining her political fate in the society.
Principle rule explains clearly that government has to provide the field of women's participation in society.
There are certainly a lot of different stages for women's political activity too.

5- Technology of information and communications:
Information society is a new concept.
Informational community is a phenomenon that enters in every body's life and affects on every cell of community.
Informational society is formed from information and knowledge, distribution of information and communication Technology and achieving it and using it.
Information and communication Technology have been known as power and strength to reach development purpose, so the number of individuals who use this approach and it is advantages is highly increased.
Women's attendance in today's Technology shouldn’t be ignored, because it will be accounted as the most valuable treasure.
The communities who have paid attention to this case have more developed
Technology developing countries like Iran is very sensitive, because the complicated social, political, cultural factors which are under consideration make the transportation phenomenon difficult.
Today's woman needs to know her original nature in these 3 areas.

1- In the area of her own gradual perfection.
2- In the area of family life perfection.
3- In the area of social, cultural and political movement.

6- Family management aspect:
One of the most basis social structures is family.
We can find out family is a special organization with its special needs.
A person who studies about family and their needs and plans for them and leads and surprises family, In fact manage this structure.
In historical view, the management of the family has exited constantly in both of previous societies, industrial and recent period.
In this way, every countries could open a way to this with more precise scientific and educational planning.
They could enter management in to families as a science and used it.

7- The aspect of providing national safety.
Woman has the role of trainer in the family and has a positive effect on society and decreases stress and anxiety.
Women have the basic role in providing unification and safety.
They can have role and are sympathetic more than men.
Women can have a principle role in this stage exactly like women of revolution who had determinative role women can try in solving problems better them men because of their sensitive mentality.
They are more sympathetic and worried about their family.

8- They aspect of mental health:
Women a basically in charge of home affairs as a manager, but if woman feels that is alone, she will become depressed and under stress.
Woman is more sense: five than men, so she is easier to be destroyed mentally.
Woman depends on her family and specially her children.
We have to consider women.

We should know that mental health’s of women are divided in 3 aspects:
- Individual aspect, that woman herself is in charge of that and she should keep herself from harmful pressures.
- Family aspect, that husband and children are responsible for that.
They should help mother in solving problems and making mental relaxation.
-Social aspect that social programmers are in charge of that for keeping woman's mental health.
They should know woman is the mother of society too.
Keeping mental health of excessive generous women and providing the situation of mental and behave our health have the basic role in family.
Family is the smallest unit of the society and every problem in family turns to the society, there fore women's mental health should be paid attention.

9- The aspect of researching:
Becoming the research discussion public especially in recent years is another sign of women's progress scientifically.
Today's Iranian women movies attract clear sighted and thoughtful individuals’ attention to Women in researching affairs, theoretically and practically, obvious in different levels.
Research is the base of know ledge and researchers are organizer of know ledge and woman is the base of family.

*Summary and Deduction:

Women are half of population.
Each in institute should pay attention to women in order to use women's interaction and cooperation.
Women tried and had important role in Islamic revolution, so keeping obtained results are necessary by paying attention to their important attendance in different stages.
There fore necessary circumstances and approaches should be provided for their participation.
It needs politician and government to remove these faults and revise employment rules, improve know ledge and participation level by suitable education, create some job motivation, cooperate and interact with governmental and nongovernmental organizations, political participation, provide mental safety .
They should improve and rise control criteria, participation, equilibrium, stress, facility, woman's capacity to use Technology, make some good condition for their attendance.
Although, we hope that women's awareness increase and women's high status appear in both different stages and at hone as a mother or a wife.
Women's attendance approaches:
1- Paying attention to cultural affairs.
2- Improving the principles of culture and belief.
3- Try to keep family identity.
4- Making symbol and pattern from 14 innocent Imams.
5- The role of women in transferring culture.
6- Enabling women in social and cultural, economical and political aspects and this needs investigating of talents and abilities in different areas such as education in order to be proud of that.
7- Improving family identity and family management by excusive generous women.
8- Training of children based on Islamic principles.
9- Training of children and making them familiar with principles.
10- The role of women in communication and information Technology and preparing them for attendance in informational society.
11- The political and defensive role of women.
12- Consider political and natural aspect of women.
13- Training of human source to improve women powers.
14- Educating women for the sake of their intemperance.
15- Improving women mentally to encounter problems.
16 – Persuading and encouraging women to participate in social a cultural activities and improvement of their cultural and scientific levels.
17- Making the women status know in the society.
a) A valuable and useful human sources.
18- Creating of mentality of interaction and cooperation.
19- Establishment of employment and help families economically by women.
20- Creation of culture of employment of women.
21- Creation of healthy and happy circum stances for women.
22- Increase the level of women's rights and health.
23- Establishing the relation between women and governmental and nongovernmental organizations to use their experience.
24- Try to increase women's public awareness.
25- Participating women in decision making levels.
26- Making effort to provide women's need for their attendance in society stage.
27- Creation of necessary fields and affairs for protecting women in governmental and nongovernmental.
28- Providing sufficient field for more attendance of women in art-sport stages.
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