He was the nominee to become general secretary of Atomic Energy Agency. He is translating the PhD thesis of Dr. Chamran at the present time. We have conducted an interview with him about scientific character of Martyr Chamran.
Q – Dr. Amrollahi! We are going to speak about scientific character of Martyr Chamran in this interview. And we have been informed that you are translating the PhD thesis of Martyr Chamran. We know that it is a scientific and difficult task. Would you please tell us how you became familiar with Martyr Dr Chamran?
A - In the name of God the compassionate the merciful. I became familiar with Martyr Chamran since I entered the university. I was in Iran and he was in America at hat time. I educated in Iran till I received my BS. Then I was dispatched to America for continuing education.
Q - Were you in Technical Faculty too?
A - No. I studied Physics. And almost all Muslim [Revolutionary] university students inside the country were familiar with Mr. Chamran. At that period of time, seats of technical and engineering courses in universities were mostly occupied by university students who at least pretended not to be Muslim [Revolutionary, religious and anti - government university students] university students. And the Muslim university students - who were involved in political, social, religious and anti - regime activities - were nice people. And almost all university students were familiar with these revolutionary and religious students. I became familiar with Martyr Chamran at that period of time. I think it was blessing of God that I became familiar with Dr. Chamran. I think I did not deserve even being his student in his lessons. Unfortunately, I did not understand Dr. Chamran sufficiently. And I feel sorry about that. Scientifically, I am a little close to him; but spiritually, I feel that I am very far from him.
Q - When did you go to American to continue education?
A - I went to America in 1350 [1971 - 1972]. Eight years passed since the time Dr. Chamran had written his PhD thesis. As you know, Dr. Chamran received his PhD in “Nuclear Fusion”? in 1342 [1963 - 1964]. “Nuclear Fusion”? was one of the very new courses at that time.
Q - Would you please explain more about the expression of “Nuclear Fusion”??
A - To explain very simply, I should say there are two nuclear processes. One is “Nuclear Fission”? and the other is “Nuclear Fusion”?. In “Nuclear Fission”?, heavy elements like Uranium are split and energy is obtained through that. And in “Nuclear Fusion”?, different light elements fuse together to form a heavy element. Then the energy is obtained through this fusion. Hydrogen (Water) is mostly used for this process. Therefore, in the course of “Nuclear Fusion”? or “Plasma Physics”? it is said: “Energy exists by the time water exists; because water exists for long time.”? Dr Chamran is the first Iranian person who entered the field of “Nuclear Fusion”? and received PhD in this course. I am sure about this claim; because I have conducted research about it.
Q - What about “Nuclear Fission”?? Were there Iranian experts in this field too?
A - Yes. There were some other people in this field too. Some of the people who were active in the field of “Nuclear Fission”? at that period of time are still alive. But they are at old ages at the present time. And I wish health and long life for them.
Q - How can you evaluate scientific level of Martyr Chamran’s PhD thesis?
A - There is a criterion for evaluating scientific level of people who receive PhD. Experts of every field find out scientific position of a thesis and its writer by studying his or her PhD thesis. PhD thesis of Martyr Chamran may be one of the most unique theses in this field; because Dr Chamran has carried out lots of scientific works on this thesis. God knows I don’t say this because I respect Martyr Chamran very much. His thesis is how ever available and all experts can read it when it is translated. I wish we could speak more about the scientific character of Martyr Chamran in our country. I have spoken to the second and third generations of Islamic Revolution and they know a little about the scientific character of Martyr Chamran. Maximum, they think he just has PhD like the other people who have received PhD in different courses. And it is not the reality.
Q - What is the title of PhD thesis of Martyr Chamran?
A - Electron in magnetron with cold cathode
Q - Had any other person worked on this subject before him?
A - Yes. Ther were three or four people who had worked on the other aspects of this subjects in past.
Q - What was the innovation of Martyr Chamran in this field?
A - Dr Chamran had added and developed “Cold Cathode”? in the process of conducting research on magnetron.
Q - What is your opinion about the future perspective of “Nuclear Fusion”? science?
A - As I told you, human has known “Nuclear Fusion”? or “Plasma Physics”? for many years; because human found out that the sun also produces energy this way. It means that hydrogen elements fuse together and produce energy. And from the earth, we see this redness and great light. Human had found out this process since many years ago; but they could not create a situation similar to the one that occurs in the sun. By using this knowledge - it means “Plasma Physics”? and “Nuclear Fusion”? - human moves towards this direction in which small suns are created on the earth. And if human succeeds in this field, energy will be available permanently and with low price. Major part of nuclear knowledge is moving towards this direction at the present time. And it is wonderful that it sparkled on mind of Dr Chamran at the beginning of this path!
Q - Who was the instructor of Dr. Chamran in this thesis?
A - There were three professors who should sign and confirm this thesis. Mr. H Slon was the instructor of Dr. Chamran. He has signed Dr. Chamran’s thesis along with two other professors. Mr. H Slon is still one of the most knowledgeable professors who have worked on subjects related to magnetron. He has lots of experiences in this field. Dr. Chamran worked with him.
Q - Has the thesis written by Dr. Chamran been scientifically used in universities and scientific centers of our country by now?
A - I sent the English version of Dr. Chamran’s thesis to several faculties in different universities as soon as I received it; but I am sure it has not been used very much; because it is written in a very high scientific level. It has been written using scientific language. It will be - insha Allah - used much more if the translated text is available for universities.
Q - In what phase is the translation work at the present time?
A - I have been translating the thesis for a while. I will finish it in the near future if God helps me. It is the least work that a student can do for his professor. I hope that God helps me to translate this great and valuable work remained form Martyr Chamran and let it be used by different universities of our country.
Q - In the field of this particular science, what activities have you, your colleagues and other students of Martyr Chamran carried out?
A - As I told you, Dr. Chamran is definitely one of the first one hundred people in the world who have worked on “Nuclear Fusion”?. And he is certainly the first person who has worked on this field in Iran. As I referred, “Plasma Physics”? is briefly the “Physics”? that fuses hydrogen elements. And energy is obtained through this fusion of elements. We can get obtain a greater energy if we can control and limit this energy well. And this process is called “Nuclear fusion”?. The machinery that does this process is called “Topofan”?. I have translated three scientific books in this field. The Book “Topofan”? is one of these books that I have translated. This book is the story of this machine. I have translated another book about “Nuclear Fusion”?. And the third book discusses its physic and the physical actions that occur in that.
Q - What about the fourth book? Is it in the same field too?
A - Yes. The title of this book is “Encyclopedia of Nuclear Sciences and Technology”?. I am proud that I have compiled this book in the alphabetical order with a number of nuclear scientists of our country since 1376 [1997-1998]. Almost all words and expressions that existed in nuclear industry by the year of compiling the book have been included in this encyclopedia.
Q - How long did it take to compile this encyclopedia?
A - An expert group worked on this encyclopedia for four years. And it was just small parts of our activities. In association with few people, I have launched MS and PhD of this course in Amir Kabir University. We have trained best university students in this field. We have now few graduated people who have received PhD in “Plasma Physics”? and “Nuclear fusion”?. We owe all these activities and successes to Martyr Chamran’s efforts and knowledge in this field. Thanks god, we are developing in this field.
Q - We have been informed that you established workshops on “Plasma Physics”?. Would you explain more about these workshops?
A - We have made efforts to establish several international workshops on “Plasma Physics”?. And university students from different countries attend these workshops. And we hold sessions in “Abdol - Salam Theoretical Physics Center”? once every two years.
Q - Which country suggested establishment of these workshops, Iran or Pakistan?
A - This center is not related to Pakistan at all. It is in fact an international center. It is named “Abdol – Salam Theoretical Physics Center”? only because Professor Abdol – Salam was the first chief of this center. We have held several workshops in the field of “Plasma Physics”? and “Nuclear fusion”? during the past 10 years. In one way, it is the continuation of educational course of Martyr Dr Chamran. This way, we intended his way to be continued. God knows that I started this activity only due to my love to Martyr Chamran.
Q - You cooperated with Martyr Chamran in Headquarters of Irregular Warfare. And you definitely have lots of memories about him. Please tell us about those memories!
A - As I told you, I am younger than Martyr Chamran. I regret that I did not know Dr Chamran as he was. Believe me! I was the student who did not understand and know his professor. Training and making human was the main art and skill of Dr. Chamran. He changed the copper of human’s soul into gold. As for Irregular Warfare, the people who joined him in these battles did not leave him. Dr. Chamran attracted them so much that they did not leave him any more. A number of people who participated in the mentioned irregular warfare are still alive. This group of people consists of different sectors of the society including university professors, business men and ordinary people who still love Martyr Chamran.
Q - Martyr Chamran played an important role in changing people in America and Lebanon. What is your opinion about his role in America and Lebanon?
A - It is exactly true. Dr. Chamran went to Lebanon in 1345 [1966-1967]. In association with Emam Mousa Sadr he established “Horr - Al - Mahroumin”? and then “AMAL”?. There is a photo of Martyr Chamran and Lebanese children in the Book “Lebanon”?. This picture shows Dr. Chamran in a school. He is worried and thoughtful sitting next to a large number of Lebanese teenagers and young people who have slept in that bomb shelter which is used as a school for them. These children and teenagers learned forging, welding and electricity in that school. Dr. Chamran trained and educated them. And now, a large number of those students are great men, politicians and university professors in Lebanon.
Q - Were you in Tehran or Ahvaz when the Headquarters of Irregular Warfare was formed?
A - I was in Tehran and Ahvaz. At the beginning of establishment of headquarters, I was in a small office in Vice President Office. I remember that a group of motorcyclists referred to our office and told us they wanted to go to battle fields and fight with the enemy. They were in the job of transporting films to different cinemas of Tehran. I went to Khouzestan on Tuesdays at that period of time. Then I came back to Tehran on Saturdays. Since I worked in Atomic Energy Organization, I was not allowed to stay in Ahvaz for the whole week. That group of motorcyclists put their motorcycles on a truck and came to the front of Irregular Warfare Headquarters next to Governor General Office of Ahvaz. It was because they were not accepted to be dispatched to battle fields. Then they slept there. Dr. Chamran saw them and accepted that they join the headquarters. Dr. Chamran did not blame me why I have not accepted them. God knows that these motorcyclists became the best combatants in battle fields. They rode their motorcycles while carrying RPG shooters. They jumped Karkheh River and fired the enemy with RPG. Almost half of them have been martyred in the sacred defense. And a number of them are still alive. These young people were truly example of innocence, manliness and self sacrifice. With his broad view, Martyr Chamran saw the other side of the coin. But I and people like me could just see one side of the coin. You can find out the depth of every thing through this memory. Martyr Chamran truly caused changes in people. He inspired courage of work, innovation and creativity to people. There was a young man who was graduated form Atomic University. He loved Mr. Chamran. Then he was martyred. I had a friend in America. His name was Mohsen Allah-dad. He studied accounting. He was a commander in headquarters of Dr Chamran. He was martyred in irregular warfare in Khouzestan. I wonder how Dr. Chamran influenced on Allah-dad and caused him to leave his job in America and go to Lebanon. Then he came to Iran before Dr. Chamran comes to Iran. He later went to battle fields and stayed next to Mr Chamran till the last moments of his life. Then he was martyred. I closely witnessed how much he was influenced by Martyr Chamran.
Q - As you said, Dr. Chamran inspired courage of working and innovation to the youth. Would you speak more about his innovative activities?
A – Dr. Chamran was truly a genius person in military and scientific fields. His innovative actions in battle fields were truly wonderful. I just mention two or three cases. The steel factory of Ahvaz was full of steel and iron. And the Iraqis had become close to the factory. Dr. Chamran commanded the combatants to cut irons with a length of 180 centimeters. He formed a one hundred – person group for this work. Then the “Basiji”? forces and combatants welded irons and formed equipments with a particular shape. They built five - fold equipments that were called “Khorshidi”? [Like the shape of sun]. Our forces built 30 to 50 thousand equipments with that five – fold shape. They placed these equipments on a 15 - kilometer path over which Iraqi tanks passed on their way from Sousangerd to Ahvaz. It was a position from which Iraqis applied much pressure. With this simple innovation of Dr. Chamran, The road was closed to the Iraqis. And they could not move ahead through that path. These equipments stopped tanks without exploding them.
As for another case; I can refer to the story of water pump. Dr. Chamran commanded us to weld very big water pumps on two tall towers next to Karoun River. This way, we led the water of Karoun River on the land where Iraqi forces had settled. We carried out this mission at nights. Then the tanks of Iraqi forces went down in the mud and were stopped.
I remember once Dr. Chamran commanded us to obtain 300 or 400 pieces of tall lumber. He also told combatants to collect empty cans of conserves and compotes. Then he filled these empty cans of conserves and compotes with burnt oil and straw. Dr. Chamran further commanded to attach few of these cans to every lumber. Then in sunset, he had the wicks of these cans lit and let them move on Karoun River with distance from each other. When the Iraqi forces saw the fire and smog on pieces of lumber they thought that a large number of forces were moving towards them on Karoun River. Believe me that it took almost two months that the enemy found out the reality of pieces of lumber on Karoun River. The enemy had poured all their bullets in Karoun River that way.
Dr. Chamran had an interesting characteristic too. He usually attributed his good action to other people. He was truly a great mystic person with great talent and capability. He had translated “Komeyl”? Prayer into Persian when he was in America. But he attributed this translation to his brother, Dr. Abbas Chamran. He had however got help from his brother in this job. But it was mainly done by him. After the Islamic Revolution, Dr. Chamran established modern military industries in our country. He inspired courage of work and creativity to the people who were involved in defense industry. Although he had great scientific position, he behaved in very modest and friendly way. Revolutionary people and combatants who were in contact with him did not feel a gap between them and Dr. Chamran. They felt he was just their commander. You see his pictures in Martyr Chamran Foundation. You see how simple and sincere he is in the photos. He is standing in modest way next to combatants in these pictures. Dr. Chamran did not truly deserve some thing less than martyrdom.
Source: Shahed Yaran Magazine/ Issue Number 37/ Special Issue on Martyr Chamran
He was the nominee to become general secretary of Atomic Energy Agency. He is translating the PhD thesis of Dr. Chamran at the present time. We have conducted an interview with him about scientific character of Martyr Chamran.
Q – Dr. Amrollahi! We are going to speak about scientific character of Martyr Chamran in this interview. And we have been informed that you are translating the PhD thesis of Martyr Chamran. We know that it is a scientific and difficult task. Would you please tell us how you became familiar with Martyr Dr Chamran?
A - In the name of God the compassionate the merciful. I became familiar with Martyr Chamran since I entered the university. I was in Iran and he was in America at hat time. I educated in Iran till I received my BS. Then I was dispatched to America for continuing education.
Q - Were you in Technical Faculty too?
A - No. I studied Physics. And almost all Muslim [Revolutionary] university students inside the country were familiar with Mr. Chamran. At that period of time, seats of technical and engineering courses in universities were mostly occupied by university students who at least pretended not to be Muslim [Revolutionary, religious and anti - government university students] university students. And the Muslim university students - who were involved in political, social, religious and anti - regime activities - were nice people. And almost all university students were familiar with these revolutionary and religious students. I became familiar with Martyr Chamran at that period of time. I think it was blessing of God that I became familiar with Dr. Chamran. I think I did not deserve even being his student in his lessons. Unfortunately, I did not understand Dr. Chamran sufficiently. And I feel sorry about that. Scientifically, I am a little close to him; but spiritually, I feel that I am very far from him.
Q - When did you go to American to continue education?
A - I went to America in 1350 [1971 - 1972]. Eight years passed since the time Dr. Chamran had written his PhD thesis. As you know, Dr. Chamran received his PhD in “Nuclear Fusion”? in 1342 [1963 - 1964]. “Nuclear Fusion”? was one of the very new courses at that time.
Q - Would you please explain more about the expression of “Nuclear Fusion”??
A - To explain very simply, I should say there are two nuclear processes. One is “Nuclear Fission”? and the other is “Nuclear Fusion”?. In “Nuclear Fission”?, heavy elements like Uranium are split and energy is obtained through that. And in “Nuclear Fusion”?, different light elements fuse together to form a heavy element. Then the energy is obtained through this fusion. Hydrogen (Water) is mostly used for this process. Therefore, in the course of “Nuclear Fusion”? or “Plasma Physics”? it is said: “Energy exists by the time water exists; because water exists for long time.”? Dr Chamran is the first Iranian person who entered the field of “Nuclear Fusion”? and received PhD in this course. I am sure about this claim; because I have conducted research about it.
Q - What about “Nuclear Fission”?? Were there Iranian experts in this field too?
A - Yes. There were some other people in this field too. Some of the people who were active in the field of “Nuclear Fission”? at that period of time are still alive. But they are at old ages at the present time. And I wish health and long life for them.
Q - How can you evaluate scientific level of Martyr Chamran’s PhD thesis?
A - There is a criterion for evaluating scientific level of people who receive PhD. Experts of every field find out scientific position of a thesis and its writer by studying his or her PhD thesis. PhD thesis of Martyr Chamran may be one of the most unique theses in this field; because Dr Chamran has carried out lots of scientific works on this thesis. God knows I don’t say this because I respect Martyr Chamran very much. His thesis is how ever available and all experts can read it when it is translated. I wish we could speak more about the scientific character of Martyr Chamran in our country. I have spoken to the second and third generations of Islamic Revolution and they know a little about the scientific character of Martyr Chamran. Maximum, they think he just has PhD like the other people who have received PhD in different courses. And it is not the reality.
Q - What is the title of PhD thesis of Martyr Chamran?
A - Electron in magnetron with cold cathode
Q - Had any other person worked on this subject before him?
A - Yes. Ther were three or four people who had worked on the other aspects of this subjects in past.
Q - What was the innovation of Martyr Chamran in this field?
A - Dr Chamran had added and developed “Cold Cathode”? in the process of conducting research on magnetron.
Q - What is your opinion about the future perspective of “Nuclear Fusion”? science?
A - As I told you, human has known “Nuclear Fusion”? or “Plasma Physics”? for many years; because human found out that the sun also produces energy this way. It means that hydrogen elements fuse together and produce energy. And from the earth, we see this redness and great light. Human had found out this process since many years ago; but they could not create a situation similar to the one that occurs in the sun. By using this knowledge - it means “Plasma Physics”? and “Nuclear Fusion”? - human moves towards this direction in which small suns are created on the earth. And if human succeeds in this field, energy will be available permanently and with low price. Major part of nuclear knowledge is moving towards this direction at the present time. And it is wonderful that it sparkled on mind of Dr Chamran at the beginning of this path!
Q - Who was the instructor of Dr. Chamran in this thesis?
A - There were three professors who should sign and confirm this thesis. Mr. H Slon was the instructor of Dr. Chamran. He has signed Dr. Chamran’s thesis along with two other professors. Mr. H Slon is still one of the most knowledgeable professors who have worked on subjects related to magnetron. He has lots of experiences in this field. Dr. Chamran worked with him.
Q - Has the thesis written by Dr. Chamran been scientifically used in universities and scientific centers of our country by now?
A - I sent the English version of Dr. Chamran’s thesis to several faculties in different universities as soon as I received it; but I am sure it has not been used very much; because it is written in a very high scientific level. It has been written using scientific language. It will be - insha Allah - used much more if the translated text is available for universities.
Q - In what phase is the translation work at the present time?
A - I have been translating the thesis for a while. I will finish it in the near future if God helps me. It is the least work that a student can do for his professor. I hope that God helps me to translate this great and valuable work remained form Martyr Chamran and let it be used by different universities of our country.
Q - In the field of this particular science, what activities have you, your colleagues and other students of Martyr Chamran carried out?
A - As I told you, Dr. Chamran is definitely one of the first one hundred people in the world who have worked on “Nuclear Fusion”?. And he is certainly the first person who has worked on this field in Iran. As I referred, “Plasma Physics”? is briefly the “Physics”? that fuses hydrogen elements. And energy is obtained through this fusion of elements. We can get obtain a greater energy if we can control and limit this energy well. And this process is called “Nuclear fusion”?. The machinery that does this process is called “Topofan”?. I have translated three scientific books in this field. The Book “Topofan”? is one of these books that I have translated. This book is the story of this machine. I have translated another book about “Nuclear Fusion”?. And the third book discusses its physic and the physical actions that occur in that.
Q - What about the fourth book? Is it in the same field too?
A - Yes. The title of this book is “Encyclopedia of Nuclear Sciences and Technology”?. I am proud that I have compiled this book in the alphabetical order with a number of nuclear scientists of our country since 1376 [1997-1998]. Almost all words and expressions that existed in nuclear industry by the year of compiling the book have been included in this encyclopedia.
Q - How long did it take to compile this encyclopedia?
A - An expert group worked on this encyclopedia for four years. And it was just small parts of our activities. In association with few people, I have launched MS and PhD of this course in Amir Kabir University. We have trained best university students in this field. We have now few graduated people who have received PhD in “Plasma Physics”? and “Nuclear fusion”?. We owe all these activities and successes to Martyr Chamran’s efforts and knowledge in this field. Thanks god, we are developing in this field.
Q - We have been informed that you established workshops on “Plasma Physics”?. Would you explain more about these workshops?
A - We have made efforts to establish several international workshops on “Plasma Physics”?. And university students from different countries attend these workshops. And we hold sessions in “Abdol - Salam Theoretical Physics Center”? once every two years.
Q - Which country suggested establishment of these workshops, Iran or Pakistan?
A - This center is not related to Pakistan at all. It is in fact an international center. It is named “Abdol – Salam Theoretical Physics Center”? only because Professor Abdol – Salam was the first chief of this center. We have held several workshops in the field of “Plasma Physics”? and “Nuclear fusion”? during the past 10 years. In one way, it is the continuation of educational course of Martyr Dr Chamran. This way, we intended his way to be continued. God knows that I started this activity only due to my love to Martyr Chamran.
Q - You cooperated with Martyr Chamran in Headquarters of Irregular Warfare. And you definitely have lots of memories about him. Please tell us about those memories!
A - As I told you, I am younger than Martyr Chamran. I regret that I did not know Dr Chamran as he was. Believe me! I was the student who did not understand and know his professor. Training and making human was the main art and skill of Dr. Chamran. He changed the copper of human’s soul into gold. As for Irregular Warfare, the people who joined him in these battles did not leave him. Dr. Chamran attracted them so much that they did not leave him any more. A number of people who participated in the mentioned irregular warfare are still alive. This group of people consists of different sectors of the society including university professors, business men and ordinary people who still love Martyr Chamran.
Q - Martyr Chamran played an important role in changing people in America and Lebanon. What is your opinion about his role in America and Lebanon?
A - It is exactly true. Dr. Chamran went to Lebanon in 1345 [1966-1967]. In association with Emam Mousa Sadr he established “Horr - Al - Mahroumin”? and then “AMAL”?. There is a photo of Martyr Chamran and Lebanese children in the Book “Lebanon”?. This picture shows Dr. Chamran in a school. He is worried and thoughtful sitting next to a large number of Lebanese teenagers and young people who have slept in that bomb shelter which is used as a school for them. These children and teenagers learned forging, welding and electricity in that school. Dr. Chamran trained and educated them. And now, a large number of those students are great men, politicians and university professors in Lebanon.
Q - Were you in Tehran or Ahvaz when the Headquarters of Irregular Warfare was formed?
A - I was in Tehran and Ahvaz. At the beginning of establishment of headquarters, I was in a small office in Vice President Office. I remember that a group of motorcyclists referred to our office and told us they wanted to go to battle fields and fight with the enemy. They were in the job of transporting films to different cinemas of Tehran. I went to Khouzestan on Tuesdays at that period of time. Then I came back to Tehran on Saturdays. Since I worked in Atomic Energy Organization, I was not allowed to stay in Ahvaz for the whole week. That group of motorcyclists put their motorcycles on a truck and came to the front of Irregular Warfare Headquarters next to Governor General Office of Ahvaz. It was because they were not accepted to be dispatched to battle fields. Then they slept there. Dr. Chamran saw them and accepted that they join the headquarters. Dr. Chamran did not blame me why I have not accepted them. God knows that these motorcyclists became the best combatants in battle fields. They rode their motorcycles while carrying RPG shooters. They jumped Karkheh River and fired the enemy with RPG. Almost half of them have been martyred in the sacred defense. And a number of them are still alive. These young people were truly example of innocence, manliness and self sacrifice. With his broad view, Martyr Chamran saw the other side of the coin. But I and people like me could just see one side of the coin. You can find out the depth of every thing through this memory. Martyr Chamran truly caused changes in people. He inspired courage of work, innovation and creativity to people. There was a young man who was graduated form Atomic University. He loved Mr. Chamran. Then he was martyred. I had a friend in America. His name was Mohsen Allah-dad. He studied accounting. He was a commander in headquarters of Dr Chamran. He was martyred in irregular warfare in Khouzestan. I wonder how Dr. Chamran influenced on Allah-dad and caused him to leave his job in America and go to Lebanon. Then he came to Iran before Dr. Chamran comes to Iran. He later went to battle fields and stayed next to Mr Chamran till the last moments of his life. Then he was martyred. I closely witnessed how much he was influenced by Martyr Chamran.
Q - As you said, Dr. Chamran inspired courage of working and innovation to the youth. Would you speak more about his innovative activities?
A – Dr. Chamran was truly a genius person in military and scientific fields. His innovative actions in battle fields were truly wonderful. I just mention two or three cases. The steel factory of Ahvaz was full of steel and iron. And the Iraqis had become close to the factory. Dr. Chamran commanded the combatants to cut irons with a length of 180 centimeters. He formed a one hundred – person group for this work. Then the “Basiji”? forces and combatants welded irons and formed equipments with a particular shape. They built five - fold equipments that were called “Khorshidi”? [Like the shape of sun]. Our forces built 30 to 50 thousand equipments with that five – fold shape. They placed these equipments on a 15 - kilometer path over which Iraqi tanks passed on their way from Sousangerd to Ahvaz. It was a position from which Iraqis applied much pressure. With this simple innovation of Dr. Chamran, The road was closed to the Iraqis. And they could not move ahead through that path. These equipments stopped tanks without exploding them.
As for another case; I can refer to the story of water pump. Dr. Chamran commanded us to weld very big water pumps on two tall towers next to Karoun River. This way, we led the water of Karoun River on the land where Iraqi forces had settled. We carried out this mission at nights. Then the tanks of Iraqi forces went down in the mud and were stopped.
I remember once Dr. Chamran commanded us to obtain 300 or 400 pieces of tall lumber. He also told combatants to collect empty cans of conserves and compotes. Then he filled these empty cans of conserves and compotes with burnt oil and straw. Dr. Chamran further commanded to attach few of these cans to every lumber. Then in sunset, he had the wicks of these cans lit and let them move on Karoun River with distance from each other. When the Iraqi forces saw the fire and smog on pieces of lumber they thought that a large number of forces were moving towards them on Karoun River. Believe me that it took almost two months that the enemy found out the reality of pieces of lumber on Karoun River. The enemy had poured all their bullets in Karoun River that way.
Dr. Chamran had an interesting characteristic too. He usually attributed his good action to other people. He was truly a great mystic person with great talent and capability. He had translated “Komeyl”? Prayer into Persian when he was in America. But he attributed this translation to his brother, Dr. Abbas Chamran. He had however got help from his brother in this job. But it was mainly done by him. After the Islamic Revolution, Dr. Chamran established modern military industries in our country. He inspired courage of work and creativity to the people who were involved in defense industry. Although he had great scientific position, he behaved in very modest and friendly way. Revolutionary people and combatants who were in contact with him did not feel a gap between them and Dr. Chamran. They felt he was just their commander. You see his pictures in Martyr Chamran Foundation. You see how simple and sincere he is in the photos. He is standing in modest way next to combatants in these pictures. Dr. Chamran did not truly deserve some thing less than martyrdom.
Source: Shahed Yaran Magazine/ Issue Number 37/ Special Issue on Martyr Chamran