
War is one of the oldest phenomena that have been paid attention to in all human societies. Post – traumatic disorders have been one of the most important issues of the new war s. Usually the physical problems of war are to some extent curable; but the psychological issues involve not only that person but also his family as well as his society. Therefore providing medical services for these groups of war injuries is one of the most important duties of the officials of that country. There is no such thing as optional medication; rather medications should be based on scientific findings as well as principles. From the point of psychology the rise in behavioral and characteristic disorders, Post – traumatic stress, stress disorders are some of the terrible consequences of violence and war that might be consistent until many years from that time on war d. These will have great effects on the person, social relations, economical and cultural effects.
News ID: 228135    Publish Date : 2009/11/14

Dramatic works that are offered in the field of saint defense during initial years of war until year 1988 that are ended by declaring ceasefire can be studied from several aspects, first these kinds of works are mainly dependant on emotional aspects of persons creating them and during different periods either war or after war they lack suitable dramatic structure, exact personification and using from sociologist and psychologist nature. Such works in spite of passing many years from end of war still do not have fundamental coherence.
News ID: 224397    Publish Date : 2009/10/06

In the point of view of sociology, “Reality”? is made and developed by the society in which humans interact with each other. Under the influence of forming the “Reality”? in the social situation, we witness appearance of a kind of social hallucination regarding the issue of “Honoring Isargaran”? [Isargaran is said to the people who participated in the sacred defense. In this article, this word has been translated as “Veterans”?] that can cause serious damages to the culture of self sacrifice and martyrdom. The writer of the current article has made efforts to contribute to correcting this “Social hallucination”? by mentioning the experience of some countries of the world in the issue of “Honoring veterans of war ”?.
News ID: 220811    Publish Date : 2009/09/03

The history has shown that we, Iranians, have never sought and liked war . And after entrance of Islam to Iran, we never started this destructive phenomenon. Western people consider war as an undeniable phenomenon. They claim that war is an essential and undeniable event that human is not able to procrastinate over it. And it is interesting that the thinkers who have anti- war thoughts accept that war is undeniable while they believe that human is able to decrease the amount of destructions as medicines decrease the effects of sickness. This view emphasizes on the fact that man is not responsible for his actions and consequently for war .
News ID: 190548    Publish Date : 2009/01/19

We start the 12th Festival of Selecting the Best Sacred Defense Book of the Year when we are becoming close to the 30th anniversary of victory of Islamic Revolution. After a short time after passed since the revolt and fights of Islamic Revolution, we stepped into the roaring river of fighting between truth and untruth. And with all our energy and capabilities, we entered the war field that lasted eight years.
News ID: 189751    Publish Date : 2009/01/12

Following beginning of the imposed war , cultural and artistic works about war were continuously produced and caused creation of the “Culture of Battle Field and War”? in different artistic, literary and cultural fields. During the long years of war , a wide range of artists were absorbed by this field and entered this field. They created unique art works at the middle of war time. Continuous presence of these artists in this field caused formation of the pictorial culture of battle field and war . In the field of visual arts, there were some artists who gained special fame due to making constant efforts in producing literary and cultural works with the subject of war and also presenting acceptable art works.
News ID: 189749    Publish Date : 2009/01/12

A Review on Children Stories in the Field of Sacred Defense Literature When I was the editor-in-chief of “Roshd-e Nojavan”? Magazine “Growth Magazine for Teenagers) I talked to one of very dear friends of mine who was a cultural official in one of the organizations. We were talking about where we worked and what we did. He asked: Are you still in “Roshd-e Nojavan”? Magazine?
News ID: 189744    Publish Date : 2009/01/12

While the Russian Tsar and his substitute, the socialist soviet Republics Union, was the strategic threatened of Iran from the beginning of 19th century until 1990, after 1960 the outer real center of tangible threat was only Iraq. The rotation of 2country was disturbed from 1960 to 1975. After short term peace, which was because of the contract of 1975, two countries encountered the longest term wow experience after Vietnam War in the 20thceutury. So for the fist tine in 20th century, Iran could bear 95 month war and the wore important thing was that it was for the first tine that Iran had main role in imposed war . As western inter peters have repeated for many times, this role was not be cause of precise organizing of powers or using of weapons and modern Technology, but it was the result of utilizing the human resources. Distribution of martyrs of Iran in different geographical parts indicates that almost all of people of Iran have accepted the defense task as are necessary and vital responsibility. This research has tried either to analyze the wow geographic martyrs and the sacred defense or to give a perspective of devotion geographic and martyrdom Of 8 years war and holy defer by utilizing descript ional analytical method, Data's and documented statistics.
News ID: 117032    Publish Date : 2008/07/06

During the history, the number of combatant women have been very less than combatant men, but, the point is, whenever a war happens and to defense of a nation against enemy attack, only dispatching men to battle scene won't guarantee their victory, on the contrary, supporting and backing the forces, motivating and stimulating men to continual attendance in front, looking after the children, caring for and treating the wounded, accepting responsibility of life in the absence of men, preserving blockhouses at the back of front and developing cores of local resistance by force of circumstance will have direct effect on combatants' morale and even destiny of battle.
News ID: 116646    Publish Date : 2008/07/01

Documentary war works, is one of the ways that can be used by authors, artists, and analysts to study about war . They make us familiar to some more extent with the war events also pave the way for researcher to experience the war . Considering several reasons such as kind of issue, propaganda batteries and ploys of the belligerents, war subject is among social phenomena that has its own peculiar characteristics and complexities. Current essay intends to introduce documentary war films depicting occupation, liberation, and reconstruction of Khorramshahr.
News ID: 55547    Publish Date : 2007/08/01

Consistency, preservation, and transmission of a society’s culture is up to every responsible and committed generation; but, preserving such a culture requires means that is generally in hand of political and social system of each society. The martyrdom and sacrifice culture and reviving martyrs and sacrificers’ memory is an important part of cultural values of this society. It was an epic that reached its climax in Karbala event and reappeared in the sacred defense. Transmitting values originated from these events contain elements and features of a live and active culture that appear in a different form in every period of history. Then, we should try to execute the martyrdom and sacrifice culture in our society by reminding, preserving, reverencing, and honoring founders of these values. The present essay tries to offer methods of reverencing and honoring sacrificers and their families by expressing necessity of honoring the war sacrificers and pointing at some of activities that have been done in countries dealing with war .
News ID: 54944    Publish Date : 2007/07/30