
Introduction 1. Statement of the problem Epic literature occupies a very important place in the Iranian literary history. The social status of this genre is the major reason of this great importance. From the pre-history era, Iran has always been under attack of savage and barbarian or semi-barbarian ethnic groups. The attacks were not always to the same degree in the different parts of the country. In the western borders Iranians had civilized neighbors with whom they could establish ties and have mutual effects, but on the eastern borders uncivilized and nomadic peoples lived who attacked Iran to gain wealth and even livelihood and sustenance food. One of the major tasks of the ancient governments in Iran was to counter these attacks. The cultural characteristic of this part of the country and the social and economic conditions prepared the ground for epic making; through we can not claim that epic is a single geography's product.
News ID: 188739    Publish Date : 2008/12/30

In continuation of activities during the first and second decades of Islamic Revolution, Graphic artists have always made efforts to show humanitarian and spiritual values with their pictorial art works. Their concerns have been mostly reflected in the following two general sections: The first one is appearance of the concepts of Isargaran and martyrs to people in general and the second one is developing the art of graphic in order to achieve to Iranian – Islamic identity. But, we should think more deeply about how they have achieved to their objectives. Therefore, the current article intends to find the answers to following questions: 1: How have committed and revolutionary artists pictured the concepts of self sacrifice and martyrdom ? 2: In development of the art of graphic, what new plans and ideas did these artists present in order to achieve Iranian- Islamic identity? 3: What sectors of the society were the audiences of artists of Islamic Revolution? And what effects did these audiences take from symbolic drawings which exist in posters? Method of Research General method of research in this article is chosen based on descriptive and analytic approach.
News ID: 187689    Publish Date : 2008/12/15

There, a tumult had risen that history had seen such turmoil just once! It was the land of enthusiasm and wisdom. It was the land of need and prayers. There were tears of thousands of candles and burnt wings of thousands of butterflies. There was one sky of destroyed tulips. There, the earth smelled of heaven. God was there and lanes of sincerity. Unkindness had left there since many years ago. The hearts were kind, very kind. Every day was celebration there. And God never became sin there. Selfishness was eliminated there. And the lust had dies of grief; because it was not noticed anymore. Sin and rebellion were captured by “praising and thanking God”?. There, every one prayed. Everyone said “Allah Akbar”? (God is the Great) there and every one went to mosque for saying prayers. No star darkened there. The suns recited Quran on spears and under tanks there. The heart of life was beating in wells of “pain”? there. And tear was the only ointment for eyes there. There was no gap there. Every one was united. Every one wore similar cloths; all of them were earthly and khaki, very earthly.
News ID: 187683    Publish Date : 2008/12/15

Introduction: Her Holiness Zahra is a perfect paradigm in all respects for all Muslim men and women even in martyrdom . This article is intended to investigate men and women's setting Her Holiness Zahra as their paradigms in different scenes of the Islamic Republic of Iran and during the sacred defense war. For this aim at first I briefly investigate the presence of Her Holiness Zahra in the war and martyrdom scenes and then how her death and resistance has affected the Iranian fighters and women; these issues are discussed separately.
News ID: 177312    Publish Date : 2008/10/15

While the Russian Tsar and his substitute, the socialist soviet Republics Union, was the strategic threatened of Iran from the beginning of 19th century until 1990, after 1960 the outer real center of tangible threat was only Iraq. The rotation of 2country was disturbed from 1960 to 1975. After short term peace, which was because of the contract of 1975, two countries encountered the longest term wow experience after Vietnam War in the 20thceutury. So for the fist tine in 20th century, Iran could bear 95 month war and the wore important thing was that it was for the first tine that Iran had main role in imposed war. As western inter peters have repeated for many times, this role was not be cause of precise organizing of powers or using of weapons and modern Technology, but it was the result of utilizing the human resources. Distribution of martyrs of Iran in different geographical parts indicates that almost all of people of Iran have accepted the defense task as are necessary and vital responsibility. This research has tried either to analyze the wow geographic martyrs and the sacred defense or to give a perspective of devotion geographic and martyrdom Of 8 years war and holy defer by utilizing descript ional analytical method, Data's and documented statistics.
News ID: 117032    Publish Date : 2008/07/06

Abstract The land and geographical environment is one of the most important and most obvious component of national identity that performs as a head stack to form the other components of national identity and form historical view, there is no doubt that the local sense coming with it is the important element of cultural, human most initial local-sensory phenomenon, while the non political role of this phenomenon in opposed to the meaning of land that has a political motivation in its mature has been remained intact. The meaning of being patriot is very instinctive that sometimes incorporates with the human spiritual belongings and will be as divine aspect; as if Islam says: the love to homeland is a part of faith. Therefore the relation between human and land is a mutual process. They belong to the feeling beyond the one-dimension theory of ownership that encourages the calm and still people to fight for retrieving their lands. Human fight to preserve their country, they show enthusiasm to that and hazard their lives for that. Along with the analysis of relationship between land, martyrdom and national identity, this of article tends to show an outlook for these phenomena.
News ID: 116942    Publish Date : 2008/07/05

Sacrifice, generosity or martyrdom is an Islamic phrase, and it has a lifetime as the life of mankind and it has been strengthened and shows different shape in the different societies. Because mankind always and all the times has found some needs, so that he could be able so that in the hard conditions and the difficulties of life and also at long nights be under the violation of friends and sometimes assist him or her. A person or persons who would give their bloods and would cause the welfare and good life for other people.
News ID: 64787    Publish Date : 2007/09/05

In 1952 when Albert Scheitzer went to Solv to receive Noble Prize, he told people of the world: “We should have the courage to face with current situation. Human has become a superman; but this superman who has gained superman power, has not achieved super man wisdom. Human becomes weaker creature as his power increases. We become non-human in every step that we take towards being a superman. And this reality should shake our conscience.
News ID: 59433    Publish Date : 2007/08/21

In the old times, there were elements of vice and virtue in any religion and belief. Features and characteristics formed for every moral or immoral thing were analyzed and criticized by elder or faithful people. There were talks of manhood and heroic styles. Narrators, scroll writers, and orators extended human life style and models based on prominent heroic examples, which might hade been created in their minds and been close to myths.
News ID: 59300    Publish Date : 2007/08/21

Counseling and getting advice has been considered as an important principle in Islam. In the holy Quran, Muslims are advised to use each other’s counseling. Besides, the holy prophet (PBUH) and other innocents have advised people to council for their affairs verbally and practically in many sayings. In some principles of the constitutions of the country, especially in the seventh principle, rulers have emphasized authorities to manage the country’s affairs by councils as decision-making bases.
News ID: 56865    Publish Date : 2007/08/07

Consistency, preservation, and transmission of a society’s culture is up to every responsible and committed generation; but, preserving such a culture requires means that is generally in hand of political and social system of each society. The martyrdom and sacrifice culture and reviving martyrs and sacrificers’ memory is an important part of cultural values of this society. It was an epic that reached its climax in Karbala event and reappeared in the sacred defense. Transmitting values originated from these events contain elements and features of a live and active culture that appear in a different form in every period of history. Then, we should try to execute the martyrdom and sacrifice culture in our society by reminding, preserving, reverencing, and honoring founders of these values. The present essay tries to offer methods of reverencing and honoring sacrificers and their families by expressing necessity of honoring the war sacrificers and pointing at some of activities that have been done in countries dealing with war.
News ID: 54944    Publish Date : 2007/07/30

Some words and definitions are of a kind of sanctity and are common in every human society with little differences, such as the words “ martyrdom ”? and “sacrifice”? that are looked at with sanctity, reverence, and greatness in every tradition. (Chapter 7, page 67). The essence of the sacrifice and martyrdom culture is the purposive altruism, purity, and liberalism. Extension and diffusion of the sacrifice and martyrdom culture has positive economical, cultural… functions. They are functions that end up the common struggles in the field of politics and economy if they are institutionalized from the point of altruism spirit and collectivism. In such a background, the culture of collectivism appears and considers the national benefit prior to personal, ethnic… benefits. Incorrect extension and the lack of precision in extending correctly as well as ignoring influential connective elements such as correspondence of the sender, the addressee, the connective channel, and not removing connective interferences, may harm seriously the extension of the sacrifice and martyrdom culture. Clarifying incentives of martyrs as well as correspondence in exponents’ thought and practice, we can avoid harms to the essence of the sacrifice and martyrdom culture, which may be done by unsuitable extension. In pathology of extending the sacrifice and martyrdom culture, we must focus on connective elements, connective interferences, different kinds of human communications, and effects of culture, economy, and politics. Besides, we must consider the function and practicality of each element.
News ID: 54565    Publish Date : 2007/07/29

The martyrdom culture is considered as one of the most precious and vital outcomes of the brave Iranian nation during 8 years of the imposed war and the sacred defense. It is the result of brave presence of this country’s children, brothers, mighty fathers, courageous sisters, daughters, and mothers, both in the rear and front. They did such epics during these years of fighting that the martyrdom culture and sacrifice spirit have been embedded into our society and generations. In this essay, we tried to analyze the relation between people’s reverence plan and clientele’s satisfaction in our country’s official system as well as the martyrdom culture, especially its particular example that is originated from cultural resources of this section by offering an eclectic model. Finally, we want to offer a model according to which we can execute the reverence plan through extending the martyrdom culture. The construction of this essay has been formed of three main parts. In the first part, we review briefly definitions and expressions about the martyrdom culture and its resources and examples (emphasizing on Khoramshahr epic). In the second part, we elaborate the philosophy and basics of the reverence plan in general, and its expected functions in the section of servicing people. In the third part, the main topic is expressed. In this part, we explain an eclectic model about the relation between the reverence plan and the martyrdom culture by combining the reported definitions and models. Part one: the martyrdom culture
News ID: 54561    Publish Date : 2007/07/29

(1-3-12) Justice and equity: paying attention to the demands and request of the respectful religion of Islam would clear this reality for the reader or any researcher that prevention from discrimination in any level and shape and accuracy in performing justice and equity under any condition, is counted as the main base for the subject of Islam, so in this case it would be accepted in an intensified way by the culture of martyrdom .
News ID: 13426    Publish Date : 2006/12/09

The Islamic councils in fact are the organizations that can be counted as the economical essential tools that means good aspects of a society would be increased and by providing the characters of sacrifice and martyrdom , culture and ethic would be changed in society and they would be directed towards main Islamic values and the reasonable ethic. Also we can mention the model theories of Emil Dorkim the one who was a sociologist from France; this person had this motto to say that: society can be counted as one of the main points of society direction specially for youngsters towards the main Islamic values by providing reasonable models of society such as the cultural and religious organizations.
News ID: 13305    Publish Date : 2006/12/06

Jihad and fighting in the way of God is the art of epic for religious man which in fact is something real from this person of God and also it is a symbol in the sacred art and epic and strong point in the poem art that can be counted as an important matter. The military men of Iran by intellectual and material _expression went to the war of violation and the artic poet has tried to keep the literature and culture of defense and Jihad and war. Some relics would show the relics of these rare poems and the strong actions of military men in the battle fields are the real witnesses for _expression of this matter.
News ID: 12651    Publish Date : 2006/11/27

In fact Islamic counsels are institutions which are developing donation in society as a main financial tool. Also changing culture and morality in society by offering sacrificing and martyrdom patterns and guide them to Islamic pureblood and morality values. About Islamic counsels we could also take advantage of modeling theory of Emil Dorkim too (for morality training- As reputable French socialist says) (society could be programmed by offering reasonable social patterns such as cultural and religious institutions). In order to do so, Islamic counsels except those that are active than in financial parts could be one of guideline bases for society especially for guiding youth to Islamic pureblooded values with a managed and appropriate programming.
News ID: 4235    Publish Date : 2006/07/10